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Anyone have two angels together?


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I was under the impression that two angels could not be housed togther but i swear i have seen it done over and over. Anyone have and experience with two pygmys together without them fighting? I was thinking about a bi-color that someone offered me awhile ago but have since gotten my multi barred.

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I have seen it done many times, but they do fight. I know someone who has a 220 gallon tank with a flame and coral beauty. they fight but go their separate ways.


Can be done but will they be happy? One will most likely be stress all the time. I would avoid it with your tank.

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yeah thats what i thought. I have a 75g and alot of rock but i would hate to see them fight and get stressed. Are Bicolors known to be aggressive? I know the Multibarred is not.

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Craig should chime in. I think he has a flame, rusty, and a coral beauty together in a 220. Not that I would recommend, but he thinks I'm boring with only 15 fish in a 280. Pretty sure the rusty rules and chases.

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I have an Blue face, Majestic, coral beauty, lemon peel, and a couple more and I've never had a problem with fedding or fighting. Just like with adding new fish, feed the fish in tank right before adding the angel.



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but in a 75g this might not be a problem? i understand a 200+ tank

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mia culpa..


I have a Coral beauty and a Oriole Angle (Bi-color - same as my avatar picture) in a 55G, and they chase each other in rare occacions but not seen them square or fight each other. Keeping them together for about 8 month now.



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the flame will eventually overcome the coral beauty... Flames are one of the most aggesive pygmy angels outthere and will try to dominate by force. I won't do it on a 55G. no sir.


Thank you sir! Perhaps I'll just copy your set up :wig: You're avatar pic is awsome!

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I live in herndon near the Dulles Airport.. doors to my house are always open to any WAMAS member.. feel free to stop by any time and take a look... I am sure you will like the 55G set up.

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Guest BrentRowley


I live in herndon near the Dulles Airport.. doors to my house are always open to any WAMAS member.. feel free to stop by any time and take a look... I am sure you will like the 55G set up.



I keep a flame and a cherub in my 55 reef. I added them at the same time and picked these 2 for certain reasons. They have diferent eye colors(don't know if that matters) and are not simular in size. The flame gave the cherub a pretty hard time for awhile but not enough to have to bail him out. I aquascaped my tank for a quick retreat if one of them had to esape the other. They don't seem to care about each other at this point and eat/swim in the same space peacefully. I do think it was a close call for awhile I probably would not try it again. I have seen it done at the LFS simply for the reason of trying to sell them together. It's no big deal for them to risk it because they can easily seperate them. I would not risk it one fish has staked his claim and the other fish is a new addition. Maybe it's easier to buy 2 that are already togther?

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I was under the impression that two angels could not be housed togther but i swear i have seen it done over and over. Anyone have and experience with two pygmys together without them fighting? I was thinking about a bi-color that someone offered me awhile ago but have since gotten my multi barred.


I have 5 (regal, imperator, flagfin, personifer, queen) in my tank. All happy. But my tank is 420 gallons.



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I live in herndon near the Dulles Airport.. doors to my house are always open to any WAMAS member.. feel free to stop by any time and take a look... I am sure you will like the 55G set up.




When is the bar open to Wamas members? :wink:






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I have a Potters, a Bi color, male and female Bellus, and a Chrysurus all together in a 280g. The Bicolor is not aggressive at all. I tried to put a Golden in here about a year ago but the Potters angel and Chevron tang just about killed him.




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I put the Bi color in there and the multi barred went up to it and talked some trash (nip once or twice) but they seem to like to swim next to another as of now. I think they will be ok. I was going to QT the Bi-color but i figured i should put him in since the multi bar went in two days ago, so it hasnt figured out it territory.

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I put the Bi color in there and the multi barred went up to it and talked some trash (nip once or twice) but they seem to like to swim next to another as of now. I think they will be ok. I was going to QT the Bi-color but i figured i should put him in since the multi bar went in two days ago, so it hasnt figured out it territory.




Is the multibar eating yet?

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not eatting mysis or brine soaked with selcon and garlic but is picking alot on the rocks. I figure its getting a bunch of copepods but i am hatching some live brine shrimp to see if that helps

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i had a lemon peel, flame and a cb in my 150, sold the lemon sps eater, hi mike! the flame and cb did well together. i think there were enough distractions to keep them apart. but i didnt have them in there very long. i was worried about my clam

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When is the bar open to Wamas members? :wink:




Ladies and Gents

The Ca$h bar is always open.... always, 24hours a day 7 days a week. Just let me know when are you coming over...

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