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HELP powder blue has black spots :(


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Please help I woke up this morning to feed my fish and saw my powder blue with small pin point black dots on his body anyone know what it might be ? And what I should do? He looks pretty active eating well. I'm worried




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I purchased it from a lfs that does quranteen the fish but don't know

what is their protocol? was it prophylactically treated or simply quarantined (held isolated for x amount of time)? how long have you had the fish? any other fish showing symptoms? how long has it been showing symptoms? it is good that it is eating well - kept it well fed on high quality foods and provide the best environment and stable parameters you can for it. Edited by monkiboy
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He is eating well other fish look fine but I placed him in the sump just in case it was ick not sure . I had the fish for about a week, always active eating well and swimming but this morning I saw the black spots on his body so I freaked out and placed him in the sump to better keep an eye on him any suggestions ?



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Edited by eddiev0008
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sump will help keep an eye on him, but if he had ick it wouldn't help the other fish not catch it.  Also sump and catching process might just stress him out and make a tough situation for him worse.  If you're not planning to remove and quarantine, I'd leave him alone and just make sure he eats and acts fine.

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What Alan said is great advice, and you've gotten lots of advice on this thread already. I would suggest you keep it well fed and stress free, and you know how I feel about the stress free and size!


How's it doing, btw?

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I placed him back to the display this morning he looked a lot better eating like a pig hopefully he gets through this



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As someone else referred to coral stings, they often show up as black spots. It especially happens a lot with clownfish who decide to host in euphyllias for which they haven't yet built up a tolerance.

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