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I have a question: are bridgelux leds good or junk? Reason asking; lamp with bridgelux is 12-2 watt non dimmable,other choice is a easyhydro(chinese)12w dimmable (8000-10000k), this one also has 90 degree lenses for good spread... Which would you do??also,my fixture has no on/off( hence leaning heavy toward dimmable for on off capability)plz no "me" bashing cause they chinese..my 8 gal lite is chinese and tank is doing great!8)

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I have a question: are bridgelux leds good or junk? Reason asking; lamp with bridgelux is 12-2 watt non dimmable,other choice is a easyhydro(chinese)12w dimmable (8000-10000k), this one also has 90 degree lenses for good spread... Which would you do??also,my fixture has no on/off( hence leaning heavy toward dimmable for on off capability)plz no "me" bashing cause they chinese..my 8 gal lite is chinese and tank is doing great!8)

I think that Bridgelux are fine. The number you should be looking at is for 3 watts per bulb, as they are powerful enough for reef lighting and anything less is pushing it.

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I use Bridgelux, you can come see them and the growth I get anytime you want. You will read a lot of people who say they are junk but have never run any tests with them or even seen them in action. I have been running a fixture with BL LEDs for over a year now, getting great growth, with no problems.

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I just read the rest of the post and I agree with DJ, you should probably look for a more powerful LED (3 not 2 watts). Unless, that is, you are running this over a shallow tank.

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Its a 27 watt bulb..so im thinking 3 watts per(12000k or 16000) need to check...

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Its 27 watt,9 led-3watts per,3 blue,6cool white 12000k,designed for reef/saltwater tanks.tank is a 10 gal,10" deep w/o sandbed(1" maybe ,deep,bed) 60 degree optic lenses..

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That will be a lot of light. If you go with the non-dimmable version you will need some way to acclimate corals when you add them. You can make it work, but I think you will be happier with the dimmable fixture.

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I agree, that's a shallow tank for such bright lights. The good thing about a dimmable fixture is that you can re-use it over another, deeper, tank when you upgrade.

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Bridgelux lights work fine.  Not as many lumens per watt as a Cree or Luxeon, so you're getting cheaper lights but paying more over time for the electricity to run them. 


That said, it sounds like with the few lights you're looking at and the tank you're doing you will definitely not have a problem with too little light.  You might have the opposite problem, like Coral Hind says. If you can't dim them you might have to raise them up or put some kind of a neutral density filter or something on them.

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Yeah im thinking a screen cover over the "eggcrate" or shorter photo period though these guys were under a marineland marine capable led lite for quite a while..oh Hind the light itself us dimmable,not the fixture.. The "goosenecks" ive got r at least 24" if not more..theyre the ones from coral compulsion.I'd eventually want higher light frags,hence the strength of the lights( the bridgelux is the brighter light I'm thinking, other is a mix of whites and blues.."cooler" color ) trust me,i know how to prevent bleaching..bottom floor anybody..whys it dark so early mom???(beaker the hawkfish)I'm guessing a acclimation of 4 wks..other light already in use(gotta luv bros,EARLY bday prez!8) ) I"ll send a pic when all done to see what you guys think of lite placement..since I'm new with par 38's

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