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Live rock, be gone.


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So I've done a some aquascaping recently, and really cleared up some space in my tank. I have all this rock that I've been keeping live, however, at this stage, it will be a while before I'll be setting up a new tank. I've got enough rock dry, live, and dead, to start a nice looking tank when I get that big one we all dream about when we start small (well, some of us at least.)


So my question is, what's the best way to "kill" it. I want to be able to store it in a box until I can use it again, and I was thinking just leave it out in the sun and cook it for a few days? Should I rinse it in freshwater first? Hit it with a hose and let it dry and box it up? I don't want a stinky closet, so all opinions or best practices welcome.


Thanks in advance! 

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Just let it dry. 

simple enough! Thanks Jan!

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Bleach it and then soak it and vinegar a couple hours first and then brush it off and rinse in water or else all of the organics will be locked into it and it will be a phosphate factory when you try to use it again.

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Bleach it and then soak it and vinegar a couple hours first and then brush it off and rinse in water or else all of the organics will be locked into it and it will be a phosphate factory when you try to use it again.

That's alright, I might use vinegar and a freshwater, but I don't want to bleach the rock, I prefer the a la natural.


That being said, if anybody is looking to cycle a tank and want about 15 gallons of water, I've got some that you're welcome to. I don't know if this is a ridiculous proposition, but I just fragged some of the corals in here from the rock, and it's covered in pods of all sorts from my system, I was going to use it to cycle a 29 gallon that I don't think I'm going to hook up.  

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Sell it and get some more when you are ready for an upgrade. I did this and ended up getting some better rocks from hobbyist. Ended up with some tonga branches, marshall islands, and pukanis.

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It's all good rock already :)

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I'd just use high pressure fresh water to blast anything loose off of it and then leave it outside in the sun for a while. Once it stops stinking, I'd hit it once more with a blast of freshwater and then put it away. The ants will eat whatever they can from it once its free of salt.

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