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Are there directions to get their from metro?  I think I can make it for some of the time tomorrow.  Also, is the entrance fee cash only?



It is about 3 long blocks from the metro, the hotel runs a shuttle. The entry fee is cash or credit (they might even take checks). The one day pass to the vendor area is only $15 and is highly worth it. I picked up some nice corals from Dr. Mac and a 2.5" Derasa for $25 from Northeast Aquaculture. Plus they have some amazing displays.. If you are even thinking about going you should definately go.



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Cool. So, if I take the metro, what stop do I want to get off at? I'm not really all that familiar with the metro so if its an obvious answer, bear with me :)





I did some actual searching of my own, instead of just asking and got this off our very own site!:




Take Metro's Blue or Yellow line to the Crystal City station. Free shuttles running by the Hyatt to Metro during the conference.


If you drive in, parking is just $10/day with a conference pass.

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:( :( I had to misss it due to being hospitalized last weekend. :( :( I'm watching a bit of streaming video now though. Just not the same. I had even paid my registration a couple months ago. :( :(


Craig, did you get my PM?

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Sorry to hear about you being hospitalized, I hope you're doing better.


I was able to get there for the exhibition hall part, which was great. Got to run into alot of the members of wamas, and got lots of free stuff (as well as buying some inexpensive frags from dr. mac).

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Ouch, my back!!!


Hope all had a blast. More on numbers and such later. I just want to thank ALL who came out to help. Too numerous to mention now, but it needed to be said asap. You guys rock!!




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