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There's a hole in my fish


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several of my anthias got that. 100% mortality rate.


i thought it was my aggressive yellow tang that did it with the sharp part on his tail. (unsure though, just my guess).


good luck...

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They are in QT. Have been since I purchased them.


It's some sort of disease, probably bacterial. She has a smaller hole on the other side and the male anthias is sick also with what looks like ick /velvet. Purchased a week ago. Seemed ok until yesterday.

Still swimming and eating.


I added the UV yesterday. Added copper today when I noticed the hole. Looked like a minor infection and then got much worse and ulcerated really fast.

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Copper will be VERY hard on them,,,especially with a scale/body problem...

may try some methalene blue or prazipro plus adding selcon To their food...


Make sure to keep doing partial water changes every day to keep all #'s down

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I have prazi, but no meth blue.


I added copper because the male looks like he might have ick /velvet and quite honestly, I want to protect the three other females that aren't showing such severe symptoms yet. If this female and the male don't make it, hopefully the other three will.


Not sure the male will make it through the night... was thinking of doing a freshwater bath in the am if he's still around... but maybe I'll do it tonight.

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I wouldn't use copper on an open wound like that. It's hard. Broad spectrum antibiotic if it's bacterial. I just got the disease and treatment book by Noga. I'll see what it says.

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Aquatic Ecosystems catalog has a picture of a baitfish with similar wounds and a type of treatment that heals those types of wounds with 4 dips of the product.

I had a jumbo Grey Angel die from those types of ulcers and I suspected that it was Uronema.

We treated it with Erythromycin and while the wound started healing, the fishes' condition got worse until it succumbed to whatever caused the infection in the first place.

Edited by zygote2k
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Everything I've read and some pics I've seen suggest bacterial infections cause ulcerative lesions like the one on your fish. Some fungal, but primarily bacterial. Treatment recommendation is antibiotic (this is the trick...which one?) as well as search for and reduce environmental stress.


Very good read, as usual, from Bob Fenner



Also read about.com - http://saltaquarium....antibiotics.htm

Erythromycin and Furan II - I don't know if "marine" fish get furunculosis. The pics in Nogas book look like what your fish had, but he made reference to gold fish and trout.

Edited by Jan's Reef Foods
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Both fish survived the night and swimming and eating.


The male looks like he has something completely different from the female. He looks like he has ick or velvet which is why I am treating with copper. I really do not want to lose him.

I know copper will be hard on the female with open wounds but there are 5 lyretails that I am trying to save, not just one so I am treating what is best for everyone.


I gave the male a 5 min freshwater bath last night and he is actually doing a but better today. Not breathing as heavy and swimming well.


I also added Furan 2 to battle against bacterial infections.


Hoping for the best.

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Laura, if you need another tank to borrow, there's a 14 gallon one in my carport in a box. You're welcome to stop by and grab it. Just have to move all the bags of leaves lol Or you can stop by tonight too.

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I know I'm a little far, but I've got some makeshift hospital tanks as well you're welcome to borrow (plastic storage bins and extra little heaters and filters). Even a spare bucket would work for a little anthias.



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Any suggestions on lyretail anthias food? They are eating, but not great. To date I have offered:


Live brine

Live blackworms

shredded raw shrimp

shredded raw scallop

frozen mysis

jans carnivore blend

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my anthias love a frozen food called nutramar ova. vince at quantum sells it. they also like frozen mysis and frozen brine shrimp. (both sold at petco in bailey's crossroads).

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Copper treatment tends to take the fish's appetite away.


They seem to like smaller sized food until they become acclimated to the larger stuff. Try to feed live Tiger Pods or frozen Cyclop-eeze or Cyclops. They like small portions but several times a day as they have a fast metabolism.

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