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Mr. Saltwater Tank - Didn't QT = Wiped his Tank

Ryan S

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I am sorry, but A. that is hilarious. and B. makes me not feel as bad for my wipe, which I also suspect was velvet.


A "professional" that added a bunch of fish within days of setting up the tank, all from LA btw - lacking QT - one had velvet, and they all died.

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In the name of presenting factual information, here's the correct info:


- fish were added over a period of 5 weeks


- some, but not all the fish came from LA (Live Aquaria)


- it is impossible to know exactly where the velvet came from as none of the fish displayed symptoms before they were placed in the tank.

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Welcome to the baords!! Sorry to hear about the tank crash but it was a good instruction video on how to sterilize a tank before restarting it. I'm looking forward to seeing the new tank progress and your success with "fringe" fish.


I have had good luck with "fringe" fish like a grouper. It loved the cleaner shrimp.





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Oh, hey, HI!!! Welcome. I had velvet and maybe some other things manifest on my fish and I didn't add any new fish. I did neglect my set up for a while. I think this stuff just lives in our tanks waiting for the right conditions to bloom. I still think Qt is the way to go with new fish. I also think we all go through this at one time or another. Sorry for your losses.


WAMAS is a nice group. You'll like it here.


In the name of presenting factual information, here's the correct info:


- fish were added over a period of 5 weeks


- some, but not all the fish came from LA (Live Aquaria)


- it is impossible to know exactly where the velvet came from as none of the fish displayed symptoms before they were placed in the tank.

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In the name of presenting factual information, here's the correct info:


- fish were added over a period of 5 weeks


- some, but not all the fish came from LA (Live Aquaria)


- it is impossible to know exactly where the velvet came from as none of the fish displayed symptoms before they were placed in the tank.


I'm a fan of your videos and I share links to them here on WAMAS on a regular basis. This situation was unfortunate, and I also feel bad for your losses, especially since I went through the same thing recently. Regardless, I don't think any of your "correct info" changes the end result, which is:


It's actually not hilarious because fish were killed due to lack of hobbyist procedure.

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I'm a fan of your videos and I share links to them here on WAMAS on a regular basis. This situation was unfortunate, and I also feel bad for your losses, especially since I went through the same thing recently. Regardless, I don't think any of your "correct info" changes the end result, which is:


Eeeeeeeh, not a great recovery, but I guess it will have to do. :ph34r:

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As a mom of 4, I always say never say never, it WILL come back to bite you. Karma, always lurking around the corner.


Sucks to lose fish. Sorry for your situation Mark. Kudo's for bringing it to you website. Many would have not had the integrity to do that.

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As a mom of 4, I always say never say never, it WILL come back to bite you. Karma, always lurking around the corner.


Sucks to lose fish. Sorry for your situation Mark. Kudo's for bringing it to you website. Many would have not had the integrity to do that.


thanks londonloco and everyone else who left comments. I'll readily admit watching fish perish from velvet or any disease is not fun. And I'd never try to cover up what happened with my tank. Part of my job is to show people I'm human and I too experience set backs with my tank. I hope everyone can learn from my experience and use what happened to me to have increased success with their tanks.


Also, I may be up the DC way this summer to build someone's dream tank for them. Depending on my schedule, I may be able to drop in for reef club meeting if WAMAS does that type of thing.

Edited by Mr. Saltwater Tank
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Also, I may be up the DC way this summer to build someone's dream tank for them. Depending on my schedule, I may be able to drop in for reef club meeting if WAMAS does that type of thing.


We do have quarterly meetings and I'll let the officers know that you are interested in stopping by. Maybe you could give a talk on something.

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.......Karma, always lurking around the corner................ Many would have not had the integrity to do that.

Absolutely. Anyone who hasn't had a major issue of one form or another hasn't been doing this very long.


I'd also give props for posting the good, bad, and ugly - would have been easier to just not post, shows it can happen to anyone.

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thanks londonloco and everyone else who left comments. I'll readily admit watching fish perish from velvet or any disease is not fun. And I'd never try to cover up what happened with my tank. Part of my job is to show people I'm human and I too experience set backs with my tank. I hope everyone can learn from my experience and use what happened to me to have increased success with their tanks.


Also, I may be up the DC way this summer to build someone's dream tank for them. Depending on my schedule, I may be able to drop in for reef club meeting if WAMAS does that type of thing.

Mark, let me drop you a line....

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In the name of presenting factual information, here's the correct info:


- fish were added over a period of 5 weeks


- some, but not all the fish came from LA (Live Aquaria)


- it is impossible to know exactly where the velvet came from as none of the fish displayed symptoms before they were placed in the tank.

Sympathies for your losses, Mark. It seems we all suffer "resets" from time to time. There's a lot we've learned over the years, but we sometimes fail to remember how little we still know and how dynamic things are. (Heck, ten years ago, who would have thought to dump vodka in their tanks? And, now, to add biodegradable plastics as a bacterial food source?) Just goes to show how we're all on the leading edge of this hobby. Live and learn, and get reminded sometimes, too. Keeps us humble.

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  • 4 months later...

This might sound bad but I would go 21 years every time and not quarantine any fish. I wonder how many fish he would have lost in the QT process (harsh medicines, poor water quality, etc.) Very interesting topic but I like his odds ;) Just being the devil

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Wow! Not sure how I missed this thread. I actually love the Friday quick tips. Mark: it is very cool you posted on our forum (even after not exactly an ideal welcome) and I, for one, would love to sit in on one of your lectures. You clearly have a passion for the hobby that is very prevalent amongst many on this forum.


Ryan: While I do QT, I haven't always and I think a lot of folks don't (it's a PITA, takes space, and costs money in an already expensive hobby). I bet a lot more do now after learning directly from Mark's experience. I would wager that he has saved a lot more fish for the hobby overall by losing those few and being man enough to detail it to the public (it would have been easier just to quickly replace them before the next shoot).



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I've heard from several vendors that fish are more sickly/diseased lately than they used to be. So you almost didn't need to QT in the past. But several vendors are seeing fish coming in now that are more often sick/dead than ever before. I don't know why. Maybe it's at the wholesale level. Regardless, everyone really should QT today. I lost 20 fish b/c 1 new guy had velvet. Almost the same situation as Mark. Sucks for us, but sucks more for the loss of life.

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Just bought a hard copy.


The velvet/brook has been spreading for almost 2 years now and when we lost a ton of new fish, we built our own QT system.

Basic set-up:

4) 20g acrylic tanks, 30g acrylic sump, AVAST skimmer, reactor, and bio pellets. 80w U.V. and 1/4 hp chiller with 300w heater.

Our mortality rate went from 90% to 20% in 4 months.

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