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Video: Documenting the bonding of a Clownfish and Anemone from the beginning


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How does bonding happen between a Clownfish and Anemone? I have read about it but never seen it from the time of introduction of the two species. Since no video exists that I could find, I wanted to document by video when I introduced an Anemone to my tank that already had a Clownfish and other fish. Of course some bonding happened only with the Clownfish. I bought this Clownfish when it was very young (it had been tank bred). It was definitely exciting for me to watch and wanted to share with you. Let me know what you think.


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Mine was fear-induced. I already had the anemone in the tank and added the baby clown to the tank. He didn't bother with the anemone for a week or so. My yellow tang all of a sudden decided he did not appreciate the new company and started picking on the clown. The clownfish instinctively swam into the anemone and barely ever left the safety of it. I since have combined two tanks together with two false perculas, the previously mentioned one is a small orange and white one, and the other is a much larger black and white one. The black and white one from the other tank was tank raised and never saw an anemone as far as I know. When they were combined (both clowns and the anemone are in my 220 gallon now) the orange and white one found his anemone, and out of curiosity the black and white one also swam into the anemone and they are paired now. I'll try to post a picture, I'm not sure if IMG code from photobucket will work or not, but here it goes...



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Thanks everyone. I couldn't figure out the glow sticks comment until I watched the video, or more like listened to it. Now I want some too.


It took the Clownfish about 2 minutes to notice the Anemone and about 5 minutes to start touching it.


Marc, nice!

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