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New club member w disabilities


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Hello to all,


Twenty two years ago I suffered a cervical spinal cord injury while competeing in a bicycle road race over in Mclean, Va. The injury has paralyzed most of my body and hands but my arms remain pretty strong and mobile. I use a wheelchair and get along pretty good. My condition would be classified as quadriplegic, but most folks think I'm a paraplegic because my arms are functional.

After my rehabilitation in Colorado I flew back to Montgomery County and moved into a new home, a modest condo in Gaithersburg. My family installed a 29 G. freshwater tank in the dining room for my pleasure and relaxation. After visiting with Jim K. at Tropical Fish World here in Gaithersburg I became interested in the marine and invertebrate aquariums. In 1991 I purchased a 75 G. tank and my friend Micheal Richardson of Tanks for Your Business helped me build my first reef tank. It was run with a wet-dry and a bare-bottom design. My youngest brother helped me maintain that reef for many years and through three rebuilds with newer techniques each time. All these years I had been reading various books and lots of websites such as reefs.org and reefcentral.com. As I read and learned better husbandry I began to dream of a bigger reef. This must happen to all of us.

Recently, 2007, I was able to buy-out a fellow with a 10 foot tank which had failed and flooded his living room and his wifes laudry room. I got a few tunze pumps, lights, power heads, etc.

Now I have a custom Glass Cages 240 G. with all the rock from my 75 G. I've included a 65 G. refugium and an 30" ASM skimmer and some nice LED lights. Some chat friends at reefcentral where I'm known as Lo49Merc built me a calcium reactor and a kalkwasser reactor which I've placed in my auto-topoff system. At this time I've got a pretty nice system up and running, though I havn't learned to run my reactors.

My brother has fallen in love and moved away so I'm left without a helper. I would like to find a new friend in the club who has experience with reefs and calcium, kalk reactors who would be kind enough to visit my home once in a while to help me refine my operation and finish my dream set-up. Any volunteers? Kirk Simon

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Welcome to the family Kirk. I'm located in gainesville, alittle far from you but if you ever run into a situation where you feel a need for emergency help. Don't hesitate to ask!!! Just wait a few minutes and I'm sure you'll get quit a few people knocking on your door. Again welcome and happy reefing.



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I could also help on an emergency type basis as I'm sure many others would. But, for regular ongoing maintenance, it may be better to get on a service plan. Several sponsors do it as does Naga and maybe others.

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I'm also pretty far but if there's something I can help with please ask. I could easily come by every other month or so to help with water changes. Or, if something breaks, you have to replace bulbs, go to the fish store to pick something up - just let me know.

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Wow thats cool that you stuck with the hobby. I've grown up myself with my learning and mental disabilities and this hobby is very relaxing. I will try and help I will pm you my number. I have a gf in columbia, md and I see her once a week and I could swing by and get some tank stuff done. My fiances cousin/best friend has cerbial palsy we make an intresting crew:) anyway I will send that number I wish I had more time, but I live in springfield, va work random hours and have a fiance in md.

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Hey Kirk, Welcome to the club, Im glad you decided to join.


This is Steve, I was the big tall guy that talked with you at the meeting a few weeks ago. I was thinking about you recently since I havent seen you on the boards, was getting ready to ask Dave Lin for your contact info since I knew you had contacted him before.


Im sure you will find someone here that can help you out, the opportunity to work on 240G tank should be enough to entice someone, let alone helping out a fellow reefer in need. I know we have a few members in the Gaithersburg/Rockville area that could help. The best part about this club is its members, theres always someone around to lend a hand or offer advice on anything and everything.


Like I told you at the meeting Im a bit far away, but I could probably find sometime about once a month or so. Please let know if you need my help, you can send me a PM.


<---The PM link is under the avatar on the left

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Hi Kirk, glad to see you made it onto the boards! I'm sure that you'll get some nibbles from people in the area. There's one guy in particular who likes to stalk the boards a lot who may be in your area. One thing to watch out for, though, he may try and customize your entire set-up as he likes to tinker with DIY!

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Hi Kirk. Glad to see you've made it on the forum and posted up. I've edited the title of your original post to reflect your location, hoping that it will draw more hits.

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Hi Kirk. Glad to see you've made it on the forum and posted up. I've edited the title of your original post to reflect your location, hoping that it will draw more hits.



GaitherSburg* Don't want any members thinking he spelled his own town wrong :)


Welcome to the club.

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GaitherSburg* Don't want any members thinking he spelled his own town wrong :)


Welcome to the club.

See, it's already drawing attention!


Thanks for catching that, Eagle Eyes! :biggrin: It's corrected now.

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