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Cool pistol shrimp video


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I check break.com all the time, I saw this video and thought I would share. Its a quick segment on pistol shrimp.




Who knew it briefly created the temperature of the sun.

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My skunk cleaner has been right next to my pistol when he fires off one of his pops, no stun. And why does the video's sound effect sound like a gun firing. It doesn't sound like a pistol pop at all. I've seen that video before, and I still don't buy it. ;)

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Well I would think thats probably because your pistol shrimp isn't trying to attack the skunk cleaner, whereas in the video I'm pretty sure it wanted the cleaner dead. I think the sound effect is like any other show on TV, its merely for entertainment, just like when someone punched it makes a loud noise that everyone recognizes as a punch, when in fact it never sounds like that.

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My skunk cleaner has been right next to my pistol when he fires off one of his pops, no stun. And why does the video's sound effect sound like a gun firing. It doesn't sound like a pistol pop at all. I've seen that video before, and I still don't buy it. ;)




I wish they wouldn't add those sound effects. I never add any sound effects to mine.


Check out this one I made of my mantis striking the glass:


When I turn my computer volume all the way up, that is exactly how it sounded. It was that loud.



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I wish they wouldn't add those sound effects. I never add any sound effects to mine.


Check out this one I made of my mantis striking the glass:


When I turn my computer volume all the way up, that is exactly how it sounded. It was that loud.




I liked the the gun cocking sound effect. I thought it was rather funny. That mantis is crazy. I wonder if they could ever crack the glass of an aquarium.

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I've seen that vid before as well. The shrimp generates a shock wave to stun its' prey. If it could generate the heat of the sun it would cook itself.

Hey- that's a great idea- self cooking shrimp. yummy.

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That mantis is crazy. I wonder if they could ever crack the glass of an aquarium.


It is widely "claimed" they can, and I have heard claims that there is video proof, but I have never seen it.


I believe mine could crack glass if it is thinner than the glass on the 29G it is in.


I have a goal of creating a video clearly showing a mantis cracking aquarium glass. I have plans to do this in the next 6 months.


If it could generate the heat of the sun it would cook itself.


I don't know if they can really create that heat or not (I suspect they can not), but if they could, they would not necessarily die.


A couple facts to keep in mind for comparison:


Lightning generates temperatures hotter than the surface of the sun.


So does a plasma torch, which people use for long periods of time, and still do not get cooked.

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At school we use a video clip that shows a mantis breaking a pane of glass, but it's not an aquarium pane, just a pane that is sitting in the aquarium and it's much thinner. That said, when I got the school one and put it in the 15 I was told to reinforce the bottom with plex as they will crack the bottom pane if it's not protected as they dig and tunnel.

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That said, when I got the school one and put it in the 15 I was told to reinforce the bottom with plex as they will crack the bottom pane if it's not protected as they dig and tunnel.


I've heard that too. Another rumor unsubstantiated by any hard evidence I've seen...when I watch mine digging, he pushes sand and rocks, he does not use his hammers to club them. Seems suspicious to me, but possible...


Can you point me at the video you saw? I'd like to see that.



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The cash reward is still out there for anyone showing proof of a mantis breaking a glass tank.


Didn't realize there was a reward! As I mentioned above, I have plans to do it. I may need to resort to an aquarium with very thin glass, but I expect to see success. I will use an actual off-the-shelf manufactured aquarium though (not something I made). What is the reward? Is my retirement imminent?

Edited by extreme_tooth_decay
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Well I would think thats probably because your pistol shrimp isn't trying to attack the skunk cleaner, whereas in the video I'm pretty sure it wanted the cleaner dead. I think the sound effect is like any other show on TV, its merely for entertainment, just like when someone punched it makes a loud noise that everyone recognizes as a punch, when in fact it never sounds like that.

I agree. I have heard the "pistol shot" sound made by my Pistal shrimp. It sounds more like a pebble thrown against the glass.

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I have a pistol shrimp which I have seen with my eyes exactly once since I purchased it 6 months ago. I have been "shot" by it about 3 times, but (a) there is no sound and (b) it's not really that bad! Plus, I have peppermint and skunk cleaner shrimps and the pistol apparently leaves them alone. The video is all hype.


I just wish the pistol would let me have a look at him every now and then, instead of just his molted claw. His paired goby died within one week of introduction to the tank (they were purchased at the same time).

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  • 2 weeks later...

So is it a bad idea to keep a pistol shrimp with peppermint and cleaner shrimp? I picked one up a couple weeks ago and then watched this vid again today.

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The pistol I have has never bothered my 3 shrimps -> cleaner, banded coral and peppermint. Now I have a 156 but did not have a problem in a previous 45.

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I wish they wouldn't add those sound effects. I never add any sound effects to mine.


Check out this one I made of my mantis striking the glass:


When I turn my computer volume all the way up, that is exactly how it sounded. It was that loud.




That was cool

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