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sps experts, how to tell?


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These are sps specious I found so far.











I have a stupid question. When you looking at an sps, how do you tell what species it belongs to? What are the characters of each species?

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Spend enough time looking on the boards and you will pick up the basics. There is a good SPS ID thread on RC, but that is for more of the less typical corals.

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There's another one on the Zeovit forums I believe that has pictures of individual corals, but again, I think it's for the rarer ones. Generally speaking, though, there are a few differences that you can find right off the bat. I am definitely not an expert, but here's what I usually go by.



Generally has pronounced secondary corallites and an axial corallite at the tip.



Not sure what this is...



It's an octocoral, not a true sps. Blue ridge coral is the only one that I have come across.



Has grooved surface with ridges out of which the polyps come. Doesn't really have individual polyps but rather rows with mouths, at least that's how it appears to me.



Doesn't have corallites that I have noticed, but rather a smooth surface with flesh that doesn't have any real breaks in it.



Corallites are not raised and are usually recessed into the skeleton, no axial corralites.



Typically has corallites that are recessed but the skeleton usually extends around the corallite in a rough formation.



Recessed corallites and a generally smooth surface.

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