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250HQI 14K bulb suggestions


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It's about time to replace my bulb - currently I'm using a Phoenix 14k bulb with 2 super actinic R vho bulbs and really like the color. Just enough blue, but not too much (like some 20K's I've tried in the past) - decent growth and colors are getting there (I think this is more of a nutrient problem than it is lighting).


Before I buy another Phoenix bulb, I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for another bulb I might want to consider? BTW ballast is an Ice Cap electric.

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It's about time to replace my bulb - currently I'm using a Phoenix 14k bulb with 2 super actinic R vho bulbs and really like the color. Just enough blue, but not too much (like some 20K's I've tried in the past) - decent growth and colors are getting there (I think this is more of a nutrient problem than it is lighting).


Before I buy another Phoenix bulb, I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for another bulb I might want to consider? BTW ballast is an Ice Cap electric.


Check with Steveoutlaw, he just ordered one of those Calfo bulbs, they're supposed to be good (but I believe they're not wide spread so that information may not be accurate). With the WAMAS discount I think they're ~$40.


I'm using the megachrome 13K which I actually really like. I've seen some people compare it to the Phoenix. You can see some pictures of my tank on the build thread but they were taken with my iphone so they aren't a great representation.


Off Topic: My technical team is joining solutions under a new MD. They mentioned that "actions" had been taken against Tim, apparently he screwed a few people after I left.

Edited by SeanCallan
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had no idea Calfo (Anthony right?) had bulbs out - any links to info?


I guess what I really need to do is check par for various bulbs and my ballast.



whose the new MD? Interesting about Tim - wonder what he did? I had lunch with him last week and he didn't say anything, nor have I heard anything from the rumor mill.

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Steve may not be the best person to talk to about the Ice Cap bulb. Also may I borrow your used bulb, I'd like to see what the color the bulb is.

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The Calfo bulb that I got exploded in my fixture after 2 hours use......but I may have just gotten a bad bulb. The Phoenix bulb has been recommended to me about 90% of the time so that is what I'm going with.

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Work related.


Steve may not be the best person to talk to about the Ice Cap bulb. Also may I borrow your used bulb, I'd like to see what the color the bulb is.

Steve owns one of the bulbs, why exactly would he not be a good person to talk to? I guess you would suggest we call Calfo himself and request an unbiased opinion of his bulbs? Or maybe we can call IceCap and ask them for an unbiased review.

Edited by SeanCallan
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The Calfo bulb that I got exploded in my fixture after 2 hours use......but I may have just gotten a bad bulb. The Phoenix bulb has been recommended to me about 90% of the time so that is what I'm going with.


Were you able to get a new replacement bulb? I know that finger prints on a MH bulb can cause it to explode in the fixture.

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Sean, Steve posted that he did not leave finger prints on the bulb and only handled it by the ceramic edges. He's got a recent thread here with pics. Look for it. I think that Steve got a refund and is going to go with the Phoenix 14K. It's got great color as you already know.

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Sean, Steve posted that he did not leave finger prints on the bulb and only handled it by the ceramic edges. He's got a recent thread here with pics. Look for it. I think that Steve got a refund and is going to go with the Phoenix 14K. It's got great color as you already know.


Wow that's a total bummer. I figured a seasoned person like Steve wouldn't have handled the bulb, but that doesn't mean someone else on the distributors side didn't.


I'll have to check out his thread.

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  • 4 weeks later...

They're HQI and can run on an HQI or an electronic ballast, according to HelloLights.com. Marine Depot also says that they can run on a pulse start (M80) ballast.

Edited by Origami2547
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I was wondering what the light looks light? I'm currently running two 250w 10k. I was wondering what the Phoenix 250w 14k looks like? Does anybody have any pictures?

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