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How to Frag a RBTA... the ultimate tease!!!


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Thanks again to Chip and his kind family for letting WAMAS invade once again.


Since the camera and the idea of loading video are all a bit new, this is just a test. Please, before I post the good stuff, let me know if you are / are not able to see the short clip. If you have any problems and later solve them... please give a full update. I suppose we could post it to youtube, but then the WAMAS only secret would be out.


I intend to chronicle not only the cutting, but the recovery as well, which will take some time. Maybe I'll just post one clip a day for 3 weeks and eventually you will see the whole thing.


This is Vid #1 Entitled "Before." RBTA1


Fridays post: Beemer makes kissy face.


Saturdays post: The spot on Chip's head where he got hit by a paint ball.


Maybe we will get back to the cutting on or around Sunday

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I will post Howard's Thong as a "shocker." You know, the volume in the video is low... inaudible , causing you to turn the volume up and up and up... you see Chip talking and he is holding a razor... he move closer to the RBTA, the razor inches away and WHAM!!! The sound of 1,000 screaming WAMAS men and the image of HowardofNOVA in a thong flashes across the screen.



So, what do you mean: You gotta stream it. You mean me or them? How do they stream it?


It sounds like a codex issue if some people are getting audio only. Right?


All, I think you need to just click the link, right-click save isn't going to help you... I think. Maybe? I dunno, anyone?

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I saw it just fine......I was on the edge of my seat for the whole thing.


Now you've put the image of Howard in a thong in my head........sorry, I have to go throw up.

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Guest Bemmer

Poor Howard, he was not even there and now everyone has this image... argh. :biggrin:


BTW, Phil, you need my consent to show the kissy face video. :blush:


I only hear about one second of audio.

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Glad you all could come, thanks!

These gatherings are what this club is all about.


The three 1/4 RBTA's I'm holding for the "busy ones" have all attached themselves to my breeder container. Two are currently puffy and one appears to be groggy.

I expect this situation to constantly be changing over the next couple days.


Chips tips

Remove all opportunities for them to come into contact with powerheads and overflows - egg crate WILL NOT do it, sponge material will

protect from clown fish

keep them in a lower flow area.

LOW flow, not NO flow.

They will move

let them move

DO NOT feed

be vigilant about small water changes


They may produce brown gunky stuff that will string from it.

Don't give up unless it completely looses color and becomes brown jelly like stuff and then remove only by siphoning it off.


Given what I saw last night from both the LANCE and PIERCE experience,

I expect we will have 100% success.

We had clean cut divides with plenty of mouth and tissue on each piece, plus,

I would not have allowed any 1/4 to leave here if I was not confident it would thrive.


I had so much fun, I divided another one after you all left since the stuff was still out.



once you get the files to work, I'd like copies to post on my site as well.

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:cry: Sorry I missed the chipndale's cutting edge - in the flesh - review. I was stuck at work until 7:15.


At least chip didn't have to worry about me staying too late since I didn't make over to his pad. ;)



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Guest Bemmer


I put mine back in the plastic container you gave us and placed that in my frag tank along with a small piece of LR for the RBTA to attach to. Then I covered the rock and the RBTA with a small mesh bag laying it loosly on top so the RBTA does not float all around. Is that okay? I plan to remove the mesh bag once the RBTA attaches to the LR.


Thanks again for your hospitality. And again Congratulations to your son's Eagle Scout award.



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I put mine back in the plastic container you gave us and placed that in my frag tank along with a small piece of LR for the RBTA to attach to.




Exactly what I did as well.

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Well remember I suggested low flow and not NO flow so exchange the water in that small container often.

Might be better served to cut windows in the containers I gave you and then wrap it in window screen.

Better yet, I use those little floating plastic breeder containers from PETCO and love them. Just enough vents for circulation but the slits are too small for the anemones to squeeze thru. It does not take a large opening for them to blob thru.


The live rock rubble in the container, while a great idea in concept, the anemone is likely to move right off the rubble once you place it in a new area anyway. If it even bothers to attach to it in the first place.

I have found them to be pretty mobile for the first few days once they are tranfered to a new enviornment whether they are new or just manually split.


All three remaining from either LANCE or PIERCE are fully expanded at this point as are the other four from the anemone I did after you all left.

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The rubble in container is just to keep it from turning into a little boat ride around the tank. There is plenty of flow since I put it in my reef.

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ok, in the issue of "C....The Journal" by Anthony Calfo mentions the following following tip on how to contain an anemone:


"line the walls of your culture tanks with plastic carpet (indoor-outdoor type for patios). The anemones barely adhere to this surface and they can be easily plucked for handling, propagation or safe collection"



Hope this helps



yes chip, when I get back, I will let you barrow the mag.....great mag if anyone is interested.....



oh and as far as proper fragmentation....calfo states "simple bilateral split with a surgical scalpel or razor blade"...."Cut species will immediately begin to recover by cinching their body closed around the exposed edge and expressing their defensive tentacles promptly again within one hour of being cut..."



wish I could have seen this in person.....way to go chip for providing this opportunity

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Guest Bemmer


They are beautiful amemones with great color. Thank you.


Here are some pics of mine from today. Less than 24 hours from surgery.




In this picture you can see the mouth, which appears to have "cinched its body" on the right side of the anemone...



Thanks again. Great meeting other members that I have not meet before.



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I can't get the video, just audio - Windows Media player just shows the flashy light-show thingy... on two completely different systems.



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I put mine in the main tank. Created a shallow depression using two rocks with lots of places for the anenome to attach to. Medium flow, decent light. Anenome attached in a hollow and while it seemed to be happily waving away yesterday, it looks even better today. Has not moved so far, but to get to the crevice.


Great job Chip. :clap:

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For those who the video is not working: You need to install a codec to get it to run. Here is a link to the DivX download page.




After you download and agree to the license, you can select which parts you want installed. The only part necessary is the first one, the codec (everything in this tree should be checked). You can uncheck everything else. You do not need to install the google toolbar, google desktop or give them your email address. When it is finished, you will be able to play it.


Thanks for posting the vid! :cheers:


(sorry for the redundancy, but since this topic is in two threads. . . )

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Does anyone have a a link that actually works?

I've downloaded the program and still won't open?

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Please be patient with the video/audio aspect of my anemone fragging presentation.


We will be posting these directly on the WAMAS site soon.

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Thanks again all for helping solve the codex issue. I wonder if there is something I need / should do to update the camera....


Chip, I got and responded to your PM. Please send me an email (I can't find yours) or tell me where to send the files?



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