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MY 40gl plan!!

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I hope it's not aiptasia.


Anyway, where again did you get that rock?

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I hope it's not aiptasia.


Anyway, where again did you get that rock?



and it was in mogurndas tank for about 3 weeks or so


it doesnt look like aiptsta but it dos look like a tube nem..

Edited by toastiireefs
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ok well its not any sort of nem--


how many times a week should i feed the hitchhiker corals and gorgonia- and that other thing that comes out when i put food in there

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it depends on what they are. I'll let someone else go into that answer - I could answer it but its better if someone who in general knows more about it does

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i know it came on t he rock i didnt buy it... im not that stupid!! haha

so like it was on the shipment-

i also have some other things that kinda look like tube anemones but the guy called it something else but i'll take a picture of it...


tere are some cool baracles too

and i just found a dwarf zebra hermit crab


Did he call them Majano anemones??


If so - feed them the same thing you would feed aiptasia - Joe's juice!


We need some pictures!



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If they are what I think you're talking about, they are cup coral, Phyllangia. In the short term, they will tolerate a lot of neglect while you are getting things under control. Mine have done well getting leftovers from twice daily feedings for the fish.

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If they are what I think you're talking about, they are cup coral, Phyllangia. In the short term, they will tolerate a lot of neglect while you are getting things under control. Mine have done well getting leftovers from twice daily feedings for the fish.



yea thats what it is- it took me by surprise when the "sweepers" came out after i fed the tank


We need some pictures!


i was trying to take pictures but my camera is 2 years old and falling apart and wont focus on anything that small and close- maybe thats what i will get for my birthday


how much are cameras with macro lens'? (thats what i want right a macro lens?)

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Do they look something like this?




If so, they are 'hidden' cup coral. I still have several of them still from a TBS LR shipment about 16 months ago. They are very hardy. You can also see a picture of of them on the TBS site (picture #14).

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yea thats what it is- it took me by surprise when the "sweepers" came out after i fed the tank

i was trying to take pictures but my camera is 2 years old and falling apart and wont focus on anything that small and close- maybe thats what i will get for my birthday


how much are cameras with macro lens'? (thats what i want right a macro lens?)


Check out the Marine Photography forum, you'll find a lot of discussion on these as many of us (myself included) have asked the same question.


Here's the long and short of it. A high quality macro lens will allow you to shoot from very close and get great shots. It won't allow you to do much else, though, so if you're buying a macro lens (the better ones cost in the neighborhood of $400-$500 and go up to well over $1,000 for the nicer ones), you'll need another lens as well. I bought a lens that allows for both close-ups and also regular shots (28-75mm). It's not a macro lens and it's not a zoom lens, either, but it will allow both types of photos to happen and is a good general use camera as well. If I want to round out my collection I would probably purchase a macro lens (105mm I believe is the correct size) and then I'd buy a zoom lens (tried out the 80-200mm Nikon f/2.8 and it wasn't worth the money that I spent at the time given my photography skills). I might also buy a 50mm lens for random shooting at close range (ask Craig/Gatortailale about his), but this is not a macro lens, either.


http://www.wamas.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=14090 here's the thread where I asked the questions about lenses.


Check out some of the TOTM photos from last month and this coming month, these were taken by Craig and myself without having a macro lens between us. He used the 50mm I believe and I used the 28-75mm lens.

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thanks all!! about the macro lens and the cup coral thats what it is- i have a few in there






:cheers: :bb: :bday: to my new babies

whooo hooo!!

i thought there was something wrong when he didnt pop but he did so im sooo happy

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thanks all!! about the macro lens and the cup coral thats what it is- i have a few in there




:cheers: :bb: :bday: to my new babies

whooo hooo!!

i thought there was something wrong when he didnt pop but he did so im sooo happy



Grats on the new additions!



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Grats on the new additions!




thank you thank you


i had ten but one died due to getting stuck behind something and i think getting its head squash... lets hope that be the only casualty.. (unlikely :( )

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ok so i found a couple of things while looking at my tank last night


1) a very small crab greenish (at leat under actinics) and looked like he was eating algea so i think he might be ok- im gonna look up pics of emerald and mirthx or how ever you spell it


2) a very strange looking worm- it had a "suckie" face and a long pinkish body with a few long white feeler looking things- then a couple whitish thorny things i couldnt see very wekk since he was in a hole in the rock trying to build a door-


3) i think i have found hydroids!!! AHH! its not aiptasia its whiteish glowy with a pinkish middle and clear with tenticles


4) i just found a orangey worm looking thing on my gorgonia- i plan on removing it- but idk if its even a liing thing


also i need some extra long tweezers to pull out worms and such-

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3) i think i have found hydroids!!! AHH! its not aiptasia its whiteish glowy with a pinkish middle and clear with tenticles



Look up corallimorphs and see it could be them

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ok i looked it up- but i dont get it...

i didnt realy see any pics that looked anything remote to what im talking about

but the hydroid pics dont look like it really either-

should i just wait and see?? there are two of the polyps thati see one is large than the other and they are not together

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1) a very small crab greenish (at leat under actinics) and looked like he was eating algea so i think he might be ok- im gonna look up pics of emerald and mirthx or how ever you spell it

There are small mithrax crabs that ride along. Good chance it's one of those.


2) a very strange looking worm- it had a "suckie" face and a long pinkish body with a few long white feeler looking things- then a couple whitish thorny things i couldnt see very wekk since he was in a hole in the rock trying to build a door-
Probably a Eunicid worm. Predators/scavengers. Smallish ones don't seem to be a problem, and build little houses out of rubble. Larger species can terrorize a tank.


3) i think i have found hydroids!!! AHH! its not aiptasia its whiteish glowy with a pinkish middle and clear with tenticles
Sure it's not a fanworm? Does it retract rapidly when disturbed? There were hydroids on one of the rocks you didn't get, but the polyps were so small you would probably overlook them unless you knew exactly where they were.


4) i just found a orangey worm looking thing on my gorgonia- i plan on removing it- but idk if its even a liing thing
May be a terebellid. I had a ton of orange terebellids in one of the tanks, and it may have ridden along.


Over the past 5 years, I have shot pix of dozens of TBS hitchers. Will post when I get a little more time.

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3) i think i have found hydroids!!! AHH! its not aiptasia its whiteish glowy with a pinkish middle and clear with tenticles

Sure it's not a fanworm? Does it retract rapidly when disturbed? There were hydroids on one of the rocks you didn't get, but the polyps were so small you would probably overlook them unless you knew exactly where they were.


deffinately not a fan worm- or feather duster (if thats something different) it does not retract at all

just stays there clearish blue with a little dot for a bit purply pink center and tenticles that end in a little knob- they are VERY tiny


about the worm- should i be worried about it?

im getting my PA rock and sand today-

how should i add the sand with out it getting sucked down the intake?

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ok i have till 700 pm untill i get angry that UPS did not deliver my package on the day they said they would... i ahve no clue where my package is!!


they normally deliver around 4pm soooo idk im worried


oh and i should wash the sand right? how does one go about that- i dont thin i did it the bet way last time i washed sand

Edited by toastiireefs
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I just swish the sand around in a bucket of water...dump out dirty water...refill...and repeat until the water comes out fairly clean

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phew- so much work- now the bad thing is- most of my rock is covered in sand which includes my little hitchhiker corals-


and i cant really see where my hand is in there- so do u think its fine if i wait till tomorrow to lift my rock out

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before i added sand and live sand- i had one lone amphipod- now i have tons of them..

also i think it is a small bristle worm- i still have to even the sand bed a bit and arrange rocks-


the PA rock was hardly LIVE compared to TBS but it has beautiful coraline growth and really nice shapes

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last night i heard a tinking sound- and i though something was off- cuz i was sure it wasnt a mantis-


but a few seconds ago i saw two TEENY little mantis eyes pop out of a whole-

it is the cutest mantis i have ever seen- now i just have to get rid of it-


its too small i think to do any real thumb crushing dammage- since its clubs and claws are too small- so i have a little 2gl tank that has rock and sand in it- that i can put it in- for now-


how do i trap it?

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last night i heard a tinking sound- and i though something was off- cuz i was sure it wasnt a mantis-


but a few seconds ago i saw two TEENY little mantis eyes pop out of a whole-

it is the cutest mantis i have ever seen- now i just have to get rid of it-


its too small i think to do any real thumb crushing dammage- since its clubs and claws are too small- so i have a little 2gl tank that has rock and sand in it- that i can put it in- for now-


how do i trap it?

COngrats on your first mantis. I prefer to just pull its rock out of the tank and shake the guy out of its hole. You may need to open the hole a little with a left-handed screwdriver.


I little sand on the corals should be OK, but I would be concerned about leaving them buried for any length of time. I would at least lift the rock containing corals onto the surface of the sand.

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