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Everything posted by gsedlack

  1. You might want to give these fine people a call - I bought 100 lbs or so - nice rock and a great price http://www.wamas.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=8197
  2. What is often forgotten is that Scientists need to eat too Now that they have discovered a multi-trillion $ problem, they just need additional research $ to help save the planet. Neither side has enough credibility to make me change my current lifestyle.
  3. Right now I feed my fish in the morning and run the lights from 7:30am - 9:00pm, but I will begin to move the lights to an 11am - 10:30pm schedule. I will want an auto-feeder to provide a feeding arounf noon each day. Also, I will want one that can feed the tank for 5-6 days if I take a vacation. Does anyone have a feeder that they think is great? Thanks for your help! /George
  4. I added a wad of filter floss in my situation
  5. It looks very nice, but it begs the question "What happened last night?"
  6. No help with your question although it sounds like the correct way to do things, but where did you find the Tropical play sand? And is that what it says on the bag - exactly? Yardright Tropical Play Sand also, have you done the vinegar test? - Many thanks - George
  7. Cash it is then. Great discount and a great store.
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