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Everything posted by martin

  1. I've done that countless times with no harm done.
  2. Thats great stuff, I am going to get some Jawfish when I can. My wife wants a jawfish tank setup, she likes to watch them work on their burrows. They'll get tame over time.
  3. I tried a pistol shrimp combo, the must of got a divorce or something. One went to the sump, then to the refugium and one was never seen again-just a pile of rocks neatly stacked.
  4. martin

    encrusting coral

    From the album: for sale

    I haven't IDed this coral, but it grows well and extends its polyips at night. Must be tough for all the moving around and different lights its endured.
  5. martin

    polyip rock

    From the album: for sale

    Nice looking under atinics, grown on a live rock. Easy to care for soft coral, had it for several years under many different lighting systems. $10.00
  6. martin


    From the album: for sale

    Photosynthetic type, had it a long time does well in most lighting. $15.00
  7. From the album: for sale

    I was fragging and a large piece broke off. Great for somebody who wants a ready to go monticap. $40.00
  8. Sounds like it, the manager said their SW was about 3mnths old.
  9. After owning a line of cheapos I got a turboflotor 1000 and made about 10,000 adjustments to it. It works well, after the adjustments, but I would look to spend the most on your skimmer until you get into the difficult corals, then its your lights. Skimmers and RO/DI units have made my tank operational (until my wife springs for a Deltec or bubblemaster)
  10. I stopped by Petland to show my daughter the puppies and birds and found that they have a marine section. The displays are well done with liverock and softcorals. The fish appeared to be VERY healthy and well fed, I'm sure the live rock helps. Overall, the store was clean and the employees were friendly and helpful. I would have gotten a jawfish, but they were out. This has to be one of the better chainstores I have been in. Its not a "reefgeek" Ubermerzssaltzwwasser fanatic kinda place, but a good well run pet store. And for the freshwater people the tanks are well displayed with live plants and healthy fish.
  11. martin

    Super Petz

    I talked to the surrly guy about an extra rude employee, heavy set woman, and it was a go no where conversation.
  12. martin


    From the album: reef system

    33 gallon long, gravity fed to main tank
  13. martin

    frag rock

    From the album: reef system

    Frags that other members gave/traded in the past year
  14. martin

    Monti and blenny

    From the album: reef system

    This has grown from a medium frag to this in one year
  15. martin

    left side

    From the album: reef system

    Left side with copperband/frags
  16. martin


    From the album: reef system

    Clownfish with Alantis frags
  17. martin


    From the album: reef system

    part of the reef
  18. From the album: reef system

    Salt creep and all
  19. martin

    Saltwater System

    75 gallon reef with 55 gallon sump and 33 gallon refugium
  20. martin


    From the album: Saltwater System

  21. My wife has banned me from all such activity-no more trips to fish stores for awhile. Maybe in the spring.
  22. That sounds about right for the sand bed, you can take some out when adding live rocks. I have used old filters to take some of the dust out of the water in the past, and then just let it settle. Over time your sump with have a fine "mud" in it anyway, as well as any spots that aren't hit with moving water. Pods live in it. Macro algea likes it as well.
  23. My guess, looking for 'pods. I had a Clarkie that did the same thing, and slept at night on the bottom of the tank looking dead. Neat fish.
  24. Keeping a copperband healthy, then SPS, now growing different types of hard corals.
  25. martin

    Super Petz

    anybody consider emailing this thread to them for training of staff?
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