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Sugar Magnolia

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Everything posted by Sugar Magnolia

  1. Another vote for refractometers. When I got mine, and compared the reading with my hydrometer it was off. Hydrometer read 1.026 and the refracto read 1.028. I got mine from Premium Aquatics for $50 or so. pH I just test with a Salifert test kit.
  2. As far as livestock requirements go, I rely on a few books I have. Aquarium Corals by Eric Borneman Marine Fishes by Scott Michael Marine Invertebrates by Ron Shimek Reef Invertebrates by Anthony Calfo and Bob Fenner
  3. John, just checking again to see if you have anything in stock before I place an order online. Thanks, A
  4. I love that! Years ago I had an emerald in my 7g bowfront that used to climb to the highest rock and lunge at me whenever I had my hand in the tank for maintenence. Mean little bugger. Over the years, I've decided that the female mithrax crabs are much more docile than the males.
  5. Prop a glass up against the area it hangs out, and drop a pellet of food or a piece of shrimp in the glass. Crab goes in to snack, but can't get back out. Edit to add, I've never had an emerald eat any of my corals, I've just seen them cleaning up any algae/detritus around the corals. Look around to see if you can find any aeolid nudibranchs - check at night.
  6. Wyll, there's plenty to read over at RC and lots of stickies here on the WAMAS boards. Be sure to keep asking questions if you come across something you don't understand. We've all been new to this hobby and all of us have some info to pass along. Welcome to WAMAS!
  7. The test kit may be faulty, but another thing to check is your magnesium level. Mg affects calcium.
  8. That is so cool! Are the folks at stomapods going to send you another mantis to replace the one you lost?
  9. Measure twice cut once. Bummer about the doors. That is going to be such an awesome addition to the school!
  10. Wrasses, hawkes. It may be that they ate all the stares, then starved to death.
  11. I want to come raid your sandbed. . Doesn't that pistol shrimp pile sand on them and steal them to shore up his tunnel. Mine makes a huge mess, and yesterday stole a ric to put at this door.
  12. Welcome back Niki! That looks like it's going to turn into a beauty once things start to grow out. I like the aquascape.
  13. LOL, that beat boxing puffer is cool.
  14. I injected mine which caused them to shrivel up. I smeared them with kalk paste over the course of a few days until they finally died off. Cutting them off the rocks leaves flesh behind which will regrow new shrooms.
  15. Wow. I'm really surprised it did that. I Would just wait it out and see if it moves out. Trying to pry it out of there could severely damage it. Good luck!
  16. You got some really great shots there!
  17. Jan, in my 30 cube, for filtration, I use phosban, chemipure and carbon. If you are using the chemi-pure elite, you could skip the phosban because the chemi-pure elite has GFO in it. Unless you want to double up on the phosphate remover, but that's pretty much overkill.
  18. I used a dremel to cut where the branches divide.
  19. You've got some really nice corals in there. Lots of color. Your catalina goby is relly nice, but they are from cooler waters and require tank temp between 68-72. It probably won't live long in the warmer tank temps our corlas require. Good luck with him! Pretty little fish.
  20. Everything's working fine for me.
  21. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthre...hreadid=1593453 Discusses the new theory about DSB and elevated nitrate. I'm wondering if any of you that have deep sand beds have had nitrate issues. My sand bed is only about 1 1/2-2" and I've never had any nitrate issues.
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