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Everything posted by Mando77

  1. Everything is included look at the apex user guide either through a link in wamas or online
  2. I was thinking about placing an order with http://www.aquacon.com/saltwater_specials.html because they have some very nice fish very cheap. Does anyone else want to get in on this?
  3. Take a look at upgrading or replacing a few things in the hood and you should be fine. Look at these sites. http://www.nanotuners.com/all_prodmanf.php http://www.mediabaskets.com/ http://reefledlights.com/
  4. Same here. I had a similar experience and they stand by there product. I can't wait to see what this company does in the future. Nothing like a Vortech. This is no knock on Tunze as they are very good also. But I don't see how any company can compete with the Ecotech line. The power, style and footprint are hard to beat. If the company expands I hope they can get the prices down. That is the only bad thing is the price, but it has to be one of my favorite pieces of equipment. I've had my Vortech 2 years and still think its neat.
  5. I just bought the apex and am glad i bought it. U have to factor that there are more neptune products in peoples home because they have been around a while and they are a trusted name with very good customer service. You cant go wrong with the apex for the money its the best controller.
  6. yeah snail eggs. Thats a good sign of a healthy tank. My Nerites do that every now and then.
  7. no nothing, it has now gone back down? It has grown about 12 heads in past year at this spot. It just looks really weird when it has the bubble?
  8. I have a healthy fully extended frog spawn that has a head with a huge bubble. I didn't know what to make of it. I have seen it do this before, but this one seems bigger than usual. Why do they do this?
  9. This works great with apex and will save you some money if you are looking at the tunze ato
  10. I just ordered 29 of these guys and was amazed they are 75% smaller than the XR-E's and produce up to 22% more light, and because of the footprint they are suppose to have less heat. I will take before and after shots. I will run 10 white, 14 royal blue on a meanwell ELN-60D and run 5 regular blues on a Meanwell ELN-30D and have them set up on the Apex for sunrise sunset simulation. Should be very nice.
  11. Yeah water got to the bottom and soaked into the back board. I think I may build a stand out of wood, then just seal and stain. I really don't like or trust the oceanic stand. Particle board is junk no matter what people say. I was considering this before I bought the oceanic stand. I think I could even upgrade the stand really by building it with real wood and modifying the stand to fit my tanks needs.
  12. I was doing a water change and a hose got lose and slowly dripped onto my cabinet. I noticed this the next day of course, the stand is particle board (oceanic biocube) and not solid wood. The damage is not bery bad, but still warrents concern. Should I consider getting a new cabinet? I don't want to risk anything and I don't know how these stands hold up. Any advice would be appreciated.
  13. I was thinking about fraging it. It has a mp10 near it.
  14. I need help with this coral. It has grown very large and looks very bad. Should I move it to a seperate tank? The left side has a brown/yellow coloration and it seems to be getting worse by the minute. I have had this coral for a while and never had any issues till now. Any help would be appreciated.
  15. Thanks, I have the fallback and set ON. I thought it would be best to keep running, but this just randomly popped in my head.
  16. I'm trying to figure out how to save energy and run my chiller pump the best way possible. Basically my apex turns my chiller on then my water needs cooling, and I keep my chiller pump turned on all the time to keep water moving through the line. I figured it could only help. But could or should I run the chiller and the pump together as in being on and off at the same time? I don't want to harm the chiller, but wondered how most people have this set up.
  17. Man I wish someone told me about this a while back. What a great resource. Hope this helps someone else out. Full of great information and links. http://reeftech.webs.com/Apex%20New%20User%20Guide.pdf
  18. In a ten gallon it is hard to get multiple fish in the tank. I have learned for the long run it is better to have 1 fish and maybe 2 if they get along. Make sure they are fish that stay very small. I think even most gobies would get to big for a tank that size. You might want to try a nice firefish? Maybe some colorful hermit crabs like electric and halloweens, a fire shrimp, some LPS like acans and some colorful zoas with maybe 1-2 SPS. I think that could look really nice.
  19. This is a PM from Paul. I was asking him about the wand. I now have a Patent Pending for the device and am in contract with someone to manufacture them. I am not allowed to build them myself any more. The name of the company is "PS Aquatics" and soon we will have a web site out and a large supply of "Mojano Wands" for sale. I will contact you as soon as that happens. It hopefuly will only be a couple of weeks. There are other companies that have stolen my invention and are selling it but soon they will have to stop due to the patent. Thanks I will let you know. Paul
  20. I think you could do 12. Remember to space the lights and corals properly. I would do SPS though unless it was directly uder light and high up. LPS and softies should be OK.
  21. the W is for Wireless. It means you can control the other pump without having to connect it. I would also recommend that you look at Neptunes new modules for the Vortech if you have an aquacontroller.
  22. That tank and set up is insane.
  23. Does anyone have any live rotifers or phytoplankton I could use for a start up? My clowns just laid eggs and I want to try and riase them.
  24. I was thinking about adding a UV Sterilizer, just to make the water clearer/better. I have a 29 gal tank, and wondered if its worth it. The tank has been running for over 2 years so I thought this might help. I was wondering if anyone else has been using a steriziler on a small system and found the sterilizer useful.
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