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Everything posted by Mando77

  1. Has anyone purchased any of the new LED lighting? I was looking at these on Nanotuners.com. I was thinking about giving this a try? No Heat, low energy and the LED's last 5-6 years? I wondered how some of the newer lights looked compared to HQI. I haven't seen any tanks that have this.
  2. I have a real problem keeping my Nitrate low. I have a Media Reactor with denitrate that seems to do very little. My Nitrate level has not changed since it has been added. What is the best way to keep Nitrate low in a small aquarium? Also does Iodine affect Nitrate in any way? Any help would be appreciated.
  3. I have a pretty established 29 gallon tank. The past week I have noticed some small snails. I think they are Nerite's? Do Nerite Snails reproduce easily? If not what else might these be. I have many types on snails in my aquarium. Any help would be appeciated.
  4. Thanks for the info. Seems there are many ways to go. I do want to build the system and would greatly consider used equipment. I always try to round cost up because this hobby isnt cheap.
  5. How much does a new 150 Gallon Starphire Glass Reef tank sell for. I'm always looking into things and can't seem to find a price. I'm really trying to put a nice setup together. I'm thinking a nice set up for a tank this size would run about $10,000?
  6. I'm planning on purchasing a Chiller in about two months for a 30 gallon tank. I would like to know if anyone has a certain preference towards a brand. I have been doing some research and it seems that Oceanic looks like the best? I have heard some brands have issues. Another brand I was looking at was the Prime Chillers by Current USA. Any help would be appreciated. If anyone is looking at getting rid of an older model or has one for sale let me know.
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