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Everything posted by cpu933k

  1. Check with Quantum Reefs. Their website says they don't have any in stock, but call them as they may have some in stock but just haven't updated inventory on their website yet. Blue Ribbon Koi may also have some.
  2. Yeah, I was there recently and picked up 2 clowns. I was not impressed with the worker there as he could not explain how they QT fish, whether they were treated with copper, what the sg of their water was, etc. He was also very rough in catching the fish and even dropped his sharpie into another tank in the process. I should have heeded all these warnings, but wanted to make the long drive worth it and they had a 20% sale that weekend. Anyhow, the clowns died within days due to internal parasites. Lesson learned. Will not make that long drive or purchase from them again.
  3. Love these guys. Wish I had a tank big enough to house them.
  4. I tried the milwaukee digital but couldn't get it to validate with the provided validation solution or with my 53mS solution. It was about 0.002 off, which I read is within its range of error. This is after multiple attempts with lights on, lights off, palm covering the well, etc. etc. Gave up and went back to my trusty manual ATC refractometer, which exactly validated the milwaukee validation solution, milwaukee calibration solution, and my 53 mS solution.
  5. I have a marineland monterey and love it. It's a bit pricey, but is very functional, enough room for a sump, tall enough for a nice skimmer, and easy access (either no center brace or side panel access, depending on the width). They are on sale right now too.
  6. Starting with some clowns. Then a bicolor angel or flame angel, kole tang, maybe a one spot foxface, and a Valentini puffer.
  7. Tank's on the 14th day of cycling with Dr. Tim's. Pretty sure it's cycled as I can do a full dose of ammonium chloride and not register any ammonia within 24 hours. Still have some nitrite. Not in a hurry to cycle as I need to quarantine fish for at least 30 days anyways. So I'm just going to let nature do it's thing as the fish go through TTM and observation in the QT. Here are a few more pics:
  8. Sump: (Please excuse the sloppy plumbing) The ATO reservoir is a dog food container. It can hold ~10 gallons of water. Now I just have to wait until AVAST has their peristaltic pump back in stock (it's been backordered for like a month):
  9. Got the side cabinet from Target, which matched quite well and was perfect for mounting the electronics and for additional storage:
  10. Added sand and water (it took a few days to clear up - had to add a filter sock to clear it up):
  11. And so it begins... Updates here: http://wamas.org/forums/topic/71980-cpu933ks-75-gallon-fowlr/
  12. So new to the hobby and wanted to start with a FOWLR. Here are the specs: Marineland 75 gallon Corner-flo Marineland Monterey stand Marineland Monterey canopy Eshopps R200 30 gallon refugium sump BRS reef saver dry rock Caribsea Fiji Pink dry sand RLSS R6i skimmer Waveline DC6000 pump Apex Gold Avast ATO Maxspect Gyre XF130
  13. Well, I did it. I put my order in with Quantum Reefs. Here is what I ordered: Marineland 75 gallon reef-ready Marineland Monterey stand and canopy Trigger Systems Ruby 30 sump RLSS R6i skimmer RLSS Waveline DC6000 pump Jebao RW-8 powerheads Current USA Orbit Marine LED Neptune Apex Gold Avast ATO Deluxe I/O Also I ordered the 4-stage RO/DI Water Saver from BRS. Can't wait to get this and start building it!
  14. Yeah, well, let's just say that my DIY craftmanship is not the greatest.
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