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Everything posted by Bruleyii

  1. I also was wondering if it would be cheaper. Would you say it was more expensive in general or just because of the learning process? I already have an arduino and a raspberry pi at home that Ive been looking to put into action somewhere so I thought this might be a good place. If its really more expensive, it might make me rethink this route then. Thanks for the reply.
  2. Thanks. I will look into that then. Im slowly moving towards automation of my little 37g tank. Trying to do as much diy as I can to tie multiple hobbies together.
  3. But if I dont build a pH probe then what will I do with this expected cold wet winter? lol
  4. Any probes recommended? Ive seen them from $30 - $150.
  5. Never heard of ORP. Still new to reefing. It seams like the only reason to test for that would be if you are using tap water. I'm most likely wrong though. That tends to happen
  6. I did find more code and other documents. https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10972
  7. Do they still have them? I dont see them on the site. Maybe amazon or something?
  8. Does anyone have any experience making their own pH probe from ardunio or raspberry pi? I found this article and thought about making it one of my winter projects. You know... because its too cold to do anything outside. https://www.sparkyswidgets.com/portfolio-item/ph-probe-interface/
  9. The burgers were good. Grabbed some good deals. Thank you!
  10. Any update on this? Lessons learned? It would be nice to see some of your guys' code also. I also have been thinking about combining hobbies. Eventually, my ultimate goal would be to set up all electronics with a combination of raspberry pi and arduino. I did find some links. I'm still a bit young in this direction, so im still putting together ideas. I did find this link and thought it was a good start. I also bookmarked your "Nodearium" Motti http://www.aquariumcontroller.net/diy.html
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