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Everything posted by NYfan78

  1. Hi all and hope all is well! Seem like this year I have lost electric alot so far and pretty sick of it lol. I would like to get a battery back up for my tank so I don't have to worry no more. I have a Red Sea Max 130 (34 gallon). What all would you recommend? Thaks in advance! Scott
  2. Well i went to my normal place House of Tropicals and got a small Kole Tang. Both places are about 45 minutes from me. I'll def check out aquarium one soon here!
  3. I tried rick's pets inFrederick and they are super expensive and the quality of fish are ehhh. The owner is kind of an a$$.
  4. Hey everyone, I live in Mt Airy, Md so I am far away from all the great stores everyone talks about in NoVa. I currently use House of Tropicals. Has anyone know or had any experience with Aquarium One in Rockville, Md? They are the next closet one to me. Thanks in advance and look forward to meeting everyone in a few weeks at the meeting! Scott
  5. Oh yeah you did hahahaha I totally forgot about that one. man do i feel dumb. well Matt its doing great so far haha
  6. Here is what it looked like a few days go ... Here is what it looks like now as of last night with lights on. Is it a coral or sponge??
  7. Did i mention it moves on its own too. i dont think its the current moving it!
  8. And it deflates at night when the lights are off.
  9. Here is an updated pic of it....
  10. I have a good size Emerald crab but he stays on the sand bed for the most part. never seen him climb over the rocks.
  11. If it detaches itsself and starts to float around, what do i do? attach it with some glue?
  12. Yeah it was. What will it do or turn into?
  13. No no no the bright florescent green!
  14. I am also down for a tank tour. Lets set it up and have a cook out somewhere...someones house or park.
  15. I ask because 1st i d like to get to know more people in the hobby and 2nd i am going away for 8 days starting sept 1st. and want to get to know someone i can trust to chk up on the tank while i am gone.
  16. So does anyone live near me? I am in Mt. Airy, MD. i would like to see who is around and meet up with some people to check there tanks and exchange info.
  17. I spent a good 30 minutes getting them out of the rock and putting them back in. Thanks guys!!!
  18. Are these guys good to have or not in the tank. They are super small and noticed them in a rock i took out. So i need to know whether to put them back in tank or keep them out. Ive noticed about 3-5.
  19. The avast ato system works great! It cant be more simpler to set up!! Good luck man!
  20. I will be there no matter what! I wana put faces to names and learn alot more!
  21. so no need to worry then?
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