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Posts posted by miggs76

  1. I ordered a small bucket of H20 pro....I'm going to give it a shot and I'll post up my results in a few weeks. For now I'm going to split the water changes between that and the red sea coral pro....I've heard that switching over abruptly can cause some damage to a tank.

  2. I just tried it with my regular siphon.....I was able to get about a cup of sand out during a 5 gallon water change. I'll repeat the process each day with a 5 gallon water change because I am sure I will be kicking up some nasty gunk when I siphon.

  3. I currently use Red Sea coral pro but it mixes to a higher alkalinity than my tank wants to be at.....it mixes to about 12 and my tank wants to stay at 8-9. I like the salt but I don't like the spike in alkalinity when I do a water change. I'm thinking of changing to tropic Marin or h20......anyone using either of these?

  4. I have a lightly stocked 60 gallon. I think my clean up crew is probably too small. Right now I have about 15 trochus/astrea snails, 2 sand conchs, about 5 scarlett hermits, 5 red legged hermits, 5 electric blue hermits.


    Does that seem like it isn't enough?


    I have next to no algae.....just a tiny bit of cyano on a couple rocks. There is detritus because I use a turkey baster every now and then to blast the rocks and see it suspended in the water column.


    For some reason or another all of my nassarius snails are dead... I used to have like 20 small ones. I am thinking my tank is too clean and they starved. The conchs clean the sand bed so well I don't think they had anything to eat.

  5. I'm pretty stock'd as far as corals, and I have9 fish in a 90. I feed frozen in the evenings (about 1/2" x 1/2" square of Jans, Rods, Rogers, or PE Mysis and I auto feed pellets at 3 pm (very little) I can probably go 5 days, but after that it will start overflowing. What micron are you using...I'm using 200.


    I don't actually know--I use the bulk reef supply felt socks. Mine never overflow. I only feed once a day or once every other day. Even when I change it, there is not much in the sock. It is a dirty color, but it never overflows.

  6. I have a sump baffle sponge that I just cleaned and after rinsing it in RO water many times the stuff that was coming out of it was pretty brown. I am wondering if it is ok not to use one? I also use a filter sock but I change it about every 2-3 weeks. Any advice on whether I should be using both of these, or one of these, or none of these? Thanks in advance.

  7. I'm getting a few corals in the mail today from a friend in PA. I'm definitely going to dip them before putting them in my tank, but I just wanted to know if I should drip acclimate them first, then dip, or vise versa. I'm sure the corals will be stressed being in the mail overnight (with a heat pack of course) so I am thinking it might be best to drip them over a few hours, then dip in coral Rx. Thanks

  8. Thank you all for the advice. I'm going to digest it all....sounds like it is a resounding "yes get a doser". Are they pretty easy to set up? Currently I"m dosing 12.5 ml of reef code A and B per day. Would the doser just spit out about a half ml per hour?

  9. I'm having to do 2 part dosing by hand daily for my 60 gallon tank. My Alk will drop about 7-8 ppm per day if I don't. I have never had to do this with my old tanks (BC14 and 5gallon pico) because the small amounts of coral in there were not using up very much calcium. I'm wondering if I just should buy a dosing pump to do the 2 part dosing? I don't mind doing it by hand each day but I assume the smaller amounts that are dosed throughout the day are better for the tank? Thanks in advance.

  10. I had the same problem with my old refractometer even though I was using calibration fluid. i recently bought a new refractometer from marine depot....this is the one that only shows between 1.015 and 1.030 and is specifically made for tanks. It is much more precise and I don't have the problem any more.

  11. yup...that is a ton of food. I had a 5 gallon with one fish that I only fed every other day. I started off feeding him every day but in such a small tank I could tell that it was fouling up the water even with a 30% water change weekly.

  12. BRS emailed me back. They said 77 degrees is what their brand of filters is rated for so if I'm at 75 degrees they said it is no problem whatsoever. I would imagine if there is any lead, a 5 stage filter would get rid of it....isn't that the purpose of a filter anyway to get rid of the solids in the water?

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