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Everything posted by Swimboy123

  1. @supernova26- I appreciate the offer Rak but given the state of my tank I think I will let you grow them out and I'll get a frag from you down the line. Thanks!! @roni- Thanks, I don't think we have met yet but I really appreciate your offer and I probably will take you up on it!
  2. @bowiereefer84- Basically that is what happened. I have a larger than average kalk reactor and i had just put about 5 cups of kalk in so it hadn't had time to settle to the bottom. I put my skimmer on standby(for 60 minutes) which hold about 3 gallons of water and my refugium (3-5 gallons) was on a timer to refill at a certain point in time. It's not a great practice to have but one that I have done multiple times before. I can tell you now that it will never happen again!! Basically my timers turned back on both and my ATO did its job like it was supposed to and dumped about 6-8 gallons of freshly mixed kalkwasser into my system. I didn't find it for about 4 1/2 hours later. As of my departure this morning, I have two chromis and a cleaner shrimp, various mixed snails and hermits, and a lot of coral skeletons. I dread going home this evening knowing what is waiting for me there. I have talked with my buddy and he has relayed to me that my large squamosa clam is doing great. I'll give it a day or two to recover and hopefully there won't be anymore problems with my tank.
  3. Thanks for the condolences. Duty calls so once my oh had dropped I had to head off to work. I know that a good bit of my smaller colonies are dead but I am hoping the larger ones pull through. There was an absurdly large amount of mucous so I am hoping they were protected. Salinity dropped to 1.019
  4. Also, thanks to YiatzofEden and her husband for an early morning phone call and clam delivery. My large squamosa was transferred to their tank and I'm hoping it pulls through. I can get more frags and colonies, but it would be devastating if that clam didn't make it.
  5. So I did a water change last night and refilled my kalk reactor at the same time. After traveling all day my mind was wandering and i forgot to unplug my ato (which runs through my kalk reactor) and went to bed about 1 am. I woke up at 5 like normal and came down to check on my tank which was a nice pure white color. I'm pretty sure all of my fish are dead with the exception of two chromis and my cleaner shrimp. Half of my corals are totally bleach and the other half look like they are really having a bad day. Pics are below and I will keep everyone posted.
  6. Yea, they are Cree 3w. The fixture is made by SWC and I absolutely love them! I have recommended the fixture to a few other people and they have been happy as well.
  7. @piper27- The paint and trim are done as well as the carpet. I've been crazy busy lately and just trying to keep my head above water. I still have that media reactor for you. It's taken me so long to get it to you that we can just call everything even. I'll try to drop it off monday or tuesday. @supernova26- Thanks for the compliment! The clowns are doing quite well and are rapidly becoming part of the reef. Keep me posted on the tri-color and let me know if you need some more frags. The next time that you are down in Woodbridge you definitely need to come by and take a look! @shulzjp- Piper27 helped me with the drywall and I think it looks fairly good for two guys who don't drywall professionally. There are a few discrepancies but luckily for me, most of the attention goes to the display tank. You are correct with my placing of the green board facing the moisture. A vapor barrier could have possibly worked but it seems to work the way it is. There is water fairly close to the drywall and I take pains to make sure there isn't too much misting. Like I said, it seems to work but it has only been in place for a few months. Time will tell! @everyone else- I have a ton of pics that I have not put up yet. Bear with me and I promise that they will be up soon!
  8. There was a really nice tank in the people's homes but I wasn't a huge fan of the car tank. The show also seems a bit scripted and i wish it had a better flow to it. Having said that, it's about fish tanks so yeah, I'm going to watch it.
  9. I drive through Centreville twice a day for a commute and I would be happy to throw seaweed sheets in for you while you are gone. Yes, I realize that I am a complete stranger, but the offer still stands
  10. I ended up going to House of Tropicals and I will definitely include this one in future travels. I saw a lot of livestock that made me seriously think about my livestock compatibility. I am a sucker for anthias and I was pleased to see 5-6 different species. I only walked out of there with a little purchase but I almost came home with a chevron tang, 4 tri-color anthias, and a pistol shrimp. Coral selection was a bit light, but was priced moderately well. Thanks everyone for your input!!
  11. So, aquarium depot just told me with a straight face that they wanted 300 bucks for a 6 inch maxima clam. Don't think I will be coming back here...
  12. Thanks everyone. Turns out Aquarium Center is now Aquarium Depot and is right down the road. By the way, what is SeaSave?
  13. Headed up there for work and would love to make my trip worthwhile. Any good stores that you could recommend would be greatly appreciated!!
  14. Headed up there for work and would love to make my trip worthwhile. Any good stores that you could recommend would be greatly appreciated!!
  15. Let me know when you need a hand. I'm right down the road
  16. That is a squamosa clam that i picked up about 5 months ago. It's a beast and it really just drains my system of calcium and and alk. As far as the anthias I have 8 lyretail females, 1 Maldivean Lyretail male, and 2 Ignitus Anthias.
  17. Baseboards are on and carpet is going back down as we speak!
  18. Marty; hope everything is going well for you and your family. Piper27 has done a great job with your Father's tank and I'm sure he would be proud!
  19. There was a 180 on craigslist. As far as a contractor, howardofnova is a member of wamas and ive heard he is pretty good.
  20. Side note, i accidentally touched the electrode on a water heater one time. Really, really, really not fun.
  21. I'm not one to give shameless corporate plugs, but I love these lights. Check out tbaquatics.com as I think they are running a sale right now. @reefaholic Thanks! I appreciate your comments. If you ever want a tour just let me know when you are in woodbridge
  22. Good luck on the build! Let us know if you need any help with anything.
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