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Everything posted by Sharkey18

  1. Glad to read this post.... i just found some too.
  2. It's weird. I'm going to see what happens tonight.
  3. He looks really well fed..... maybe he's just not hungry?
  4. My lights have gone rogue. For many months they have faithfully followed the schedule I set for them. Then this past week they start acting weird. Middle of the night, white lights are on full blast. There is NO part of my schedule that has white only. Also having other problems, lights on all night, etc. So yesterday I redownloaded the software, reprogrammed the lights, and still at 4 am my lights are on full force. They are not scheduled to turn on until 7 am. Anyone have an idea of what going on? My fish must be exhausted.
  5. That is awesome. Awfully nice of you to heat up his old digs to help him tolerate the move. Thats a cool fish.
  6. My aquatech is super loud also. In addition, it boosted my pressure to over 100 psi so i had to dial is down which makes it even louder. But generally i'm happy with it.
  7. Thanks everyone. My rodi reservoir does need to be cleaned.... fun project for this weekend.
  8. No, It does not affect the water level in that compartment of the sump.
  9. So any clue as to why adding several gallons of top off water would cause my skimmer to go nuts? I am having a problem with siphoning from my top off container so until I fix that I am just adding top off water to my tank each day which end up being about 3 to 5 gallons. I pump the new RODI water from the storage container directly into the sump with the skimmer and it makes my skimmer go nuts and over flow. Any idea why? I just replaced all of my RODO filters including the membrane two weeks ago but that did not help.
  10. Good to know. I cleaned out the entire thing with vinegar. It looks great!
  11. So how much does the build up of "gunk" and coralline algae on the inside of the skimmer body affect performance? I thoroughly cleaned my skimmer today and noticed 2 things. 1: A layer of slimy, brownish gunk (similar to the end product of skimmate ) coating the walls of the chamber, and 2: a fair amount of coralline algae. How much does this build up affect performance? How often should the body of the skimmer be scrubbed out?
  12. Rob, do you think there is connection between the fans going out and the emitters? I am figuring that the lights start blinking because of some sort of temperature sensor because the fan isn't running. If the fan wasn't running for a while, and the emitters were running hot could that be the reason they are not working anymore?
  13. Interesting to see if the addition of vodka helps. Any change in your readings?
  14. Mine also did that and when I investigated, the fan was not working. Opened up the fan, cleaning it ( it was gross with dust) and it's been ok ever since. Make sure your fan is running and give it a good cleaning.
  15. +1 chances are the tips and then the algae showed up. Maybe increase flow? It will help blow off the cyano and prevent it from irritating more tissue. Also if cyano was able to grow after the tissue died that alone might indicate not enough flow.
  16. If they are dying shortly after you get them, within 48 hrs, then a couple of possible issues are that the fish are not healthy when you get them or your acclimation process is insufficient or has errors. Obviously there are other things that could happen but if you consistently lose fish right after adding them I would think about these. As far as never seeing them again, I don't think thats a big deal. I don't lose a lot of fish but when I do, more often than not I never see a body. They are there and then they are gone. In a big tank with a clean up crew, they can be "cleaned up' pretty quickly. Especially small fish like chromis and clowns.
  17. Bump for more info... anyone else been using it?
  18. I know i can get them less expensively. What i am wondering is is there a real difference in quality or are they all about the same.
  19. So what gives with the varying prices of RO membranes? Kent Marines TFC is 100 bucks, but Captive purity is $35. Spectra pure is somewhere in between but closer to the low end. Are the kent marines that much higher value?
  20. Wow, i love this tank, the sea horses and the slugs alike.
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