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Kimchi Corals

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Everything posted by Kimchi Corals

  1. I think the lights look great and very sleek. But I read some reviews concerning the reliability of the LED fixtures. Apparently the LED are designed to function in bundles. when one goes out an entire bundle will burn out. I am sure ELOS will figure it out though.
  2. I have a purple, Naso, Powder Blue, Yellow, and Kole tangs in the tank right now. The purple is the smallest of all and gets picked on once in a while. In the beginning the purple tang almost died because of the powder blue and Yellow tangs. I ended up changing the aquascaping a little to upset the territories of the fish and allow the purple tang to find a safe area. It has taken months but now there is not much fighting between the fish.
  3. Eric, I experienced this same problem. The cyano suddenly appeared approximately 4-5 months after setting up my system. I did everything you have done. I basically took everyones advice tried medicating the tank, water changes, reduced lighting, decreased feeding, and adding a refugium with Cheato. Only after time and the addition of the macro alge fuge did the cyano magically disappear. I read somewhere that cyano may be a part of the normal cycle period of a tank. From my experience I believe that this may be true due to the sudden disappearance of the cyano in my system. Try the fuge with cheato and see what happens. If you already have one it is a matter of time until the cyano consumes all of the nutrients it is feeding on. Some may disagree with me concerning this conclusion, but this worked for me. John
  4. Check this thread. Just do a search on WAMAS tons of info. http://www.wamas.org/forums/index.php?show...c=22199&hl= I had this happen and I lost just 2 SPS colonies. Although, I caught the overdose early. THis is another good thread. http://www.wamas.org/forums/index.php?show...c=20913&hl=
  5. I have one you can borrow. It is still brand new in the box. John
  6. Its great but you have to design it right. Things I have learned. 1. Use hose where you can. 2. Make sure that all outputs are of equal length so that a back pressure will not build. 3. Place at least one ball turn valve on every output and drain for maintence. 4. Design the OM4 to stand vertical.....Horizonal positioning allows sand to jam the drum inside. 5. I have a Dart pump on the 4 way that pushes the water column 1 inch above the top of the water of a 29 inch tall tank. 6. You must use only 1 inch outputs for the each return. These can only be purchased from Oceans Motions. If you do not use these the pressure gradients will be incorrect and the drum will not rotate. 7. Paul the owner of Oceans Motions is very helpful.....Just don't ask silly questions Hope this helps
  7. Be sure to remember that you get what you pay for......I spend several hundred dollars on a skimmer and just ended up buying the expensive skimmer in the end. I would have saved time and money if I had just started with the best.
  8. One other potential solution I have been considering is the use of soda lime with a fan. Soda lime is small solid granules that we use in anesthesia to remove CO2 from circuits connected to patients during surgery. Through a chemical reaction, CO2 is removed and by products of H2O and heat are created. Has anyone ever tried this and if so what was the result.
  9. How did the fan in the air duct do in removing the CO2 from the area. I am suffering the same problem currently to the point I can't turn on the Calcium reactor without the pH dropping to low levels.
  10. I just dosed my tank last weekend for red bugs. I still don't know where I got them from! I placed one tab into my 200 gallon system and after 12 hours no more red bugs. I did remove my crabs and hermits and placed them in my fuge. My three shrimp survived with no problems.
  11. I will take the new maxijet 1200 with the parts. thanks john yauger
  12. I wanted to tell everyone what a great experience I had from this vendor. I have purchase several great zoas, sps, and lps corals. I would recommend exoticfrags.com to anyone looking for top quality corals!
  13. Great corals from there and Dr. Macs conservation efforts are admirable. Thanks Dr. Mac!
  14. I had 8 peppermint shrimps and many snails that all perished from the sixline. My 2 cleaner shrimp and fire blood shrimp are doing just fine. The six line is definitely aggressive. It chases all my fish regardless of size. If I had to do it again I would chose the 4 line wrasse that is less aggressive but just as pretty.
  15. That is the nicest LFS I have ever seen. The overhead must be tremendous.
  16. I have T5 lights 48" and I absolutely love them. My temperature doesn't go sky high and all i need is a fan on the sump to keep the temp around 78 during the summer months. All my corals look great. however I have noted two problems. 1. Lack of shimmer. Big problem for me since I absolutely think it is gorgeous. 2. You need to change out the lamps between every 6-8 months. Most books and shops such as Dr. Mac change their lighting every six months. I recommend this for optimal output for the corals. Also, i recommend giesemann lamps. You can get these from BRK or Sunlight supply.
  17. Your tank is one of the most beautifiul tanks i have seen yet. i absolutely am amazed at the design and art work. Not to mention it cleanly fits in the room without all the equipment visible. John Yauger
  18. Kimchi Corals

    wanted acro

    From the album: NAGA custom 180g

    This is hot
  19. I haven't had any problems with a MAG 12 pump.
  20. Changing the filters are going to be different for every tank. It depends on the amount of waste and debris in your tank. For example I have 3 filter socks that require cleaning about every 5 days. If I don't do it.........water on the floor in extreme cases. I assessed the cleaning requirement by cleaning the filters and observing the flow through the region everyday to see how much flow was impeded. Once the flow slowed enough to back up the water it gave me an estimate on how often to clean the filters. hope this helps.
  21. Rik I am very sorry for those losses. John
  22. Another option is a ETSS downdraft skimmer. I really enjoy mine!
  23. Chip, I would avoid the 100% oxygen. That is just asking for trouble. Not only is pure oxygen extremely flammable it is also toxic to all living organisms. Compressed air should adequately oxygenate the tank. Also, I recommend Johnny's, BRK, suggestion of a TrippLite battery inverter/converter. With just one marine deep cycle battery you can run power heads for at least 24 hours, it depends on the watts consumed by your equipment. John Yauger
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