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Everything posted by Vader

  1. Vader


    From the album: My First Reef Tank

  2. Lights came in today and WOW what a difference. I'm trying to get some good pics, but thay are coming out blue, but it's not that blue. I went with 3 ATI True blue's, 1 ATI Pro Color, 1 UVL 75/25 and 1 UVL Super Blue Actinic. I am very happy with the lighting and once I get a good shot of the tank, I'll post it. Edit: This is the best that I could do....It's not as blue when you're looking at in person. The sand is really a bright white when looking at it from the room here.
  3. Is that something a LFS carries or do you order it on-line?
  4. Does anyone quarintine coral/frags before putting them into their display tank.
  5. Thanks Jason. The light track isn't complete yet. When It's done, I plan on posting a DIY on it. I know the white pipes stick out like a sore thumb but it will get covered with coraline at some point.
  6. Here are a few pics of my progress so far. By this friday, I should have the new pump for the skimmer, T5 bulbs, several test kits and a lens for the Tek light fixture. I have started cycling the tank by adding some live sand (Thanks Chewy) and the hermit crabs now have a new home which they are exploring all over the place. This dust storm is what it looked like after 2 days when the pumps were off Now I can run my hand through the sand and there is no dust storm. This is what happens when you mix reef salt in a display tank I learned a lot though the school of hard knocks. Guess I won't do that again Much quieter now
  7. Vader


    From the album: My First Reef Tank

  8. Vader


    From the album: My First Reef Tank

  9. Vader


    From the album: My First Reef Tank

  10. Vader


    From the album: My First Reef Tank

  11. Vader


    From the album: My First Reef Tank

  12. That is realy cool about the eggs, please keep us updated on them.
  13. That"s soooo cool !!! Congratulations
  14. 75 Gallon Display Tank 20 Gallon Sump/Fuge 15 Gallon RO/DI Holding Container 15 Gallon Saltwater Holding Container
  15. I don't have any supplies or equipment to donate, but I would be willing to donate $20 towards a clean up crew or what ever is needed. If that is an option, feel free to PM me.
  16. I too like how the tank looks, the columns give it a nice touch. I was thinking of putting a small anchor in my.
  17. I think that's a great shot also, Thats what I'll be doing once my is up and running........except I'll be holding a nice cold beer.
  18. Nice group of Rics, I'm looking forward to getting a few myself once this tank of mine is ready. Keep the pics coming.
  19. There you go again....stir'n up the pot Yes I have the sand and rock in the tank, there's been two small set backs. One I didn't rince the sand well enough the first time and when I turned on the pumps, it was a total dust storm So after 2 days, I drained the tank while stirring the sand and it is much better, then my skimmer pump started to act up. I think it goes back to when that hermit crab got suck up into the intake. After thinking about ordering an impeller kit or a whole new pump, I decided this Friday I will be ordering a new pump. I added more sand last night and is starting to look like a reef tank. This weekend I will also be ordering my T5 bulbs and a few test kits. I've made a few changes (again) to the plumbing. I removed that long half pipe for the water to drain into the sump and turned the elbows at an angle. It's much more quiet now. The softies are doing fine, Thanks to Chewy. They are in my 10 gal. tank along with my little trouble makers, the hermit crabs. Two of the crabs have moved into larger shells too. I will post pics of all this, this weekend, along with a cold beer.
  20. Welcome to WAMAS, and I know what you mean, my wife tells me to get a life and I tell her I already do
  21. Welcome, I'm new to the hobby also and you'll find pleanty of help from this club, I know I have. Looking forward to seeing more pics of your tank and by the looks of it, you're off to a great start.
  22. And it's not well water either.......crazy stuff man
  23. I just wanted to say that your Typhoon 3 is a very well built product and I'm very pleased with its performance. This was my first time buying a RO/DI unit and it was highly recommended from the people at WAMAS. Over this last week, I have filtered about 130 gallons into my tank, 2 water containers and the sump. The TDS going in is 124ppm and there are 0ppm coming out. The filters look like they're finished, but it keeps on going. Once the tank is going through the cycling phase, I'll be purchasing the dual TDS monitor from your web-site. Here is a pic of the Typhoon 3 after about 130 gallons. Oh, and by the way, my wife can't believe what those filters are picking up. I don't think she'll ever drink tap water again. Keep up the good work guys.
  24. I'll be tagging along too, I did a lot of reading on deep sand beds too and I'm planning on using a deep sand bed as well. What kind of sand did you put into that container ?
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