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Everything posted by RicSG

  1. Sorry about the loss Anthony. With videos and pics in hand i know you will be coming back with more fire power and your new tank will be even better.
  2. RicSG

    Cardiff tank

    Awesome tank. Love it.
  3. I am really interested to know the reason for doing this and how is the best way to do it. never done it before.
  4. I am a great fan of your work and your tank. Thank you for everything and all the help you have given. I agree that wamas is a great place and its great friends like Braden makes this club a great second family. Thank you. Great Tank you all should check out his setup.
  5. okay thanks will try them.
  6. aaahh that explains. thanks.
  7. Can anyone has phone contact for nano tuners. I used their online method 3 times already and it has been week. They are not even contacting back. Would like to get hold of them but cannot find their number.
  8. I saw it when i got home and it was sick. Creepy. I am scaaaaarrrrrred now to move rocks around. I know i have huge ones. eeeeewwwww creeepy.
  9. I tried downloading in my phone but stupid AT&T does not download the whole thing and it stops and goes back to 0 downloads. At work the video is blocked and cannot download. Youtube is blocked and cannot watch. man i need to find a job where restriction is like bring your own laptop we dont care. LOL Its okay will be home soon.
  10. okay David wins. I still cannot watch it youtube blocked at work. Man i need to watch this. Can't wait to get home.
  11. oh my god pressure. Just kidding. Sorry not allowed. Will have to wait unless Mr. David gets on it before me.
  12. Since you were so quick, let me see if I am allowed to download video file at work or not. If not it will be up later sorry. Was not expecting it to be sent so quick. LOL
  13. i dont mind the sound. I little sound effect is always fun. CAn't wait to see this production. So when is it releasing? LOL
  14. Bob, Thank you for charing this beautiful and powerful story with lost of word of wisdom. I am very happy to hear that you are doing well. God is great and miracles do happen. All you have to do it have faith. We still have faith and pray everyday and please you do the same. My Aunt is going through the same but unfortunaely the Cancer Doc has said too late. This was one year ago and they stopped Kimo and said it cannot be operated. Said let her live her few months (6 per say) in happiness and with family rather than going through the pain of Kimo. She is still alive. Not getting better but it has been over 6 months and over a year. So our faith in God is still strong that she has lived longer than expected. We belive she will be blessed and we will see a miracle. Sorry did not want to take the glory and happiness of this post but just wanted to share the power of faith, it does not matter where you stand in life you should keep fighting and never give up till God himself says it is time. I am very happy for you and God Bless you and your family. I love this club, you guys are the best.
  15. My friends tank was full of green hair Algae. He did buy few emerld crab and also he bought Vortex and his theory was good water movement helped the algae disapper. Not saying buy the vortex but for him the water movement that vortex created helpded in reducing the hair algae and on top of that emerld crab helped to get rid of the rest. The ammount of algae I saw in his tank i think there was no way few emerald crab could get rid of it in few days. I would say try with emerld crabs and then see if that helps. I am not an expert like all here so if I am wrong please let me know. I am always up for learning. I do not know if this can help but it did helped my friend and i saw it with my own eyes. Just wanted to share.
  16. good advice guys. I will read about it and will try to be ready.
  17. this the first time my clowns laid eggs so have no idea what i need to do. I only have two crabs and the clowns are doing pretty good job with protecting it from them. How and what do I need to do any advise or help will be appreciated.
  18. Mr. Rock will keep you in mind. Where exactly you are located?
  19. It looks awesome. I love it. You are giving me ideas..
  20. I saw the setup and it is amazing. Thanks for al the advice and help. One day I want to grow up just like you and have a setup just like you. No jokes the setup is awesome. One day I will take up on your offer to do the plumbing for my tiny tank. I love your setup.
  21. thanks good to know that. I need to dose some cal. then.
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