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Everything posted by PupChow

  1. I used to live close to that area and would visit every weekend with my grandmother, thank you for the memory. Most ridiculous things I have seen there: huge tank on the floor with huge, full grown electric eels, also baby sea turtle pre-bagged like those fish ready for sales.
  2. Just feel the urge to chime in and say that this is such a first world problem thread... I have been trying to grow Xenia but with no luck at all. Please feel free to send them my way!
  3. 2nd a Gyre XF-130. I have a 24x24x18 and runs it on pulse mode at 20% power for a gentle sway in my tank. If that is too strong for your 9" tank I suspect you could either run it in alternate mode at 10% or buy an end-cap and convert the XF-130's double output to a single, effectively halving it's power. I actually did a video review addressing exactly this yesterday, may help with your decision:
  4. I'm definitely following this thread. I have one or two colonies that are closed up and a few not opened as large as they were before (eg: tenticles pointing upwards instead of spreading out), one colony stretching upward but as soon as I increase the light intensity all the polyps in that colony close up. I thought zoas are supposed to be easy.
  5. This is awesome, looking forward to pics.
  6. Been watching DD as well and still waiting for the pattern I am looking for... I may be waiting for awhile since I want the pair to both have nice teardrop pattern on all sides. Will have to check out BRK next time I'm heading towards VA.
  7. Beautiful clowns! I think the Mocha Vinci is supposed to be a darker orange version of the DaVinci, actually quite similar to what you have!
  8. I wasn't able to check the site until now and it looks like I am too late. These guys go fast!
  9. Here's the link: http://www.liveaquaria.com/diversden/ItemDisplay.cfm?c=2733+3&ddid=265800
  10. I hopped on at 6pm sharp but passed on the pair since the pattern wasn't what I was looking for (I really like that little dip coming out from the second bar, if that makes sense). Thanks for the headsup though, subscribed to their mailing list!
  11. Thanks for the heads up, I am still looking - seems like they are gone from DD already, wow!
  12. Love the aquascape and how the corals look so grown in! Those RBTAs are incredible, are those regular RBTAs or ones with a special name?
  13. I wonder if your small hermits were molting?
  14. Is there any LFS that carries grade A MochaVinci (where the first and second bar joins)? Figure I'd try to shop local first before turning to online resources. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjnCtIjQiQk
  15. Perfect. Thank you for all your help hlem! You sure you are not an undercover sales rep from Smart ATO?
  16. Thank you hlem for the additional info, would appreciate the actual measurement if you have time (the manual didn't provide actual dimension), it's going to be pretty close... For the Smart ATO glitching, in one of the reviews I came across the reviewer mentioned that if there is a power interruption and the water level got higher than the unit, if the unit restarted under water it would continue to beep until the the unit is unplugged and restarted with the proper water level... could this be the case? (http://reefbuilders.com/2013/12/10/smart-ato-review-perfect-couple-quirks/)
  17. Doing a little reading on the Smart ATO as well and it does look super easy; does anybody know the measurement of how much the dry-side sensor extrudes out? I only have about 1.75" clearance between the front of the sump and the cabinet door so I am not sure if the Smart ATO would fit as an option.
  18. Thank you everybody, great feedback as always!
  19. Lugging bucket of water everyday gets old pretty fast -- looking to set up an auto top off for my 45g cube with ~5g sump. I'm eyeing the Tunze Osmolator 3155.000 vs. the Osmolator Nano vs. the JBJ. Which ATO would you recommend?
  20. Thank you Coral Hind! I hope to return to this fun but money burning hobby one day. ;-)
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