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Free Salt Water Fish Available

Guest forfree

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Guest forfree



Have a couple of fish that are available for free. The tank failed working last night, a couple of fish died, a couple survived. Cannot fix the tank and would hate to see the rest die as well. They are tropical exotic salt water fish, quite expensive for what I am told. The rocks from the tank are also available, also expensive.


Please reply if you are interested. Would like to give the fish a new home before the tank fails again, so let me know asap.





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Yes we could probably find good homes for them if we knew what fish and where you are...



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Guest forfree

Located in Fairfax, VA. Domestic problems, ex-moved out left fish.

One is a yellow tang, two clown fish, and one blue stripe fish [don't know their names, sorry]

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NO I don't think it's spam....


Fairfax is far for me, but others might be willing (after all free fish)...


LR I might be interested in some but couldn't come till tommorow.



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Guest forfree

well, just post or PM me if interested. just don't want to see the tank break again, and see the fish perish.

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well, just post or PM me if interested. just don't want to see the tank break again, and see the fish perish.

I can be there today, live in Vienna. Left PM. Potentially interested in expensive rocks too.

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Guest forfree

emissary, i have sent you my number, we can chat.


a couple of pics of the fish...

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Emmy's got a good home for them right now.

Let me know if you need help.

Maybe you can hold some rocks for DAve so forfree doesn't have to mess with it since he's trying to help them all out.

Thanks for being responsible.

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Guest forfree

Well, thank you very much to Ne0eN and emissary, they came and were able to rescue the little ones. 4 of 7 survived, one is in critical condition, and lost two :-(


It was a blue hippo tang, and it survived.


Thanks for all the responses as well.


I still have some rocks available, and from emissary and Ne0eN's info.


Rock Type: Live Rock/ Base Rock

Encrusted: Very little


Would like to find a home for them as well ;-)

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Well, thank you very much to Ne0eN and emissary, they came and were able to rescue the little ones. 4 of 7 survived, one is in critical condition, and lost two :-(


It was a blue hippo tang, and it survived.


Thanks for all the responses as well.


I still have some rocks available, and from emissary and Ne0eN's info.


Rock Type: Live Rock/ Base Rock

Encrusted: Very little


Would like to find a home for them as well ;-)


I sent you a PM. Interested in the rock, let me know if it still available. I will like to help you give them a good home.



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Well, thank you very much to Ne0eN and emissary, they came and were able to rescue the little ones. 4 of 7 survived, one is in critical condition, and lost two :-(


Actually I think we managed to do a bit better than that. Tank seemed to have been populated with:


Yellow Tang

Hippo Tang

Powder Blue Tang

Purple Tang

Six Line Wrasse

Blue Girdled Angelfish

Koran Angelfish or MAYBE juvy imperator angelfish?

Mated pair of Perculas


Fatalities were:

Powder Blue Tang

Six Line Wrasse


Critical Condition:

Purple Tang (any word Rob?)


The Yellow is fat dumb and happy (and eating). The hippo I believe is hiding under a rock somewhere in my sump. I'll give him some time to calm down.


Tank conditions upon arrival were:

SG > 1.036 (off the chart)

Temp 92.5


SG was "quickly" brought down over the period of about an hour. Removed all the rock, removed various snails crabs etc. Removed fish. Removed 2 small anemones. One was bleached white. The other still has some neon pink to the tentacles. My cinnamon clown has taken a fascination with both of them. Will attempt to nurse them back to life a bit and see how they do. Pink one was scraped off the glass but IMMEDIATELY attached to the rock I placed it on in my sump. So that one's a survivor I think.


Remaining rock was taken downstairs into 40-80G rubbermaid trashcan. Fishwater was siphoned with gardenhose into the container to keep the rock wet. Should be picked up and taken somewhere promptly. Would make good base rock. Some interesting shaped pieces. Fairly dense. Lots of work all in all but I'm glad we were able to do something. I'm especially glad Rob happened to also be there. Not sure how well either of us would have fared by ourselves!

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Actually I think we managed to do a bit better than that. Tank seemed to have been populated with:


Yellow Tang

Hippo Tang

Powder Blue Tang

Purple Tang

Six Line Wrasse

Blue Girdled Angelfish

Koran Angelfish or MAYBE juvy imperator angelfish?

Mated pair of Perculas


Fatalities were:

Powder Blue Tang

Six Line Wrasse


Critical Condition:

Purple Tang (any word Rob?)



The Purple Tang is still in pretty bad shape. If he makes it through the night, then I think he should be fine. The 2 Angels - Majestic (Blue Girldled) and Imperator Juv are doing good - but not eating yet. The False Percs are still babies and are healthy and happy as clowns could be.


Yes, it was a lot of work, but I'm glad we saved those fish. I don't think they would have made it through the day in that temperature. (chiller failed/heaters mis-adjusted - can't really explain why the water was at 90F+)


This was quite elaborate and impressive set-up. My guess about 180G. Unfortunately way to complex to maintain for a non-hobbyst.


-- Rob

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Way to go guys! Good thing he knew about/found about WAMAS in time to have some survivors.


If you are redistributing we would love some live rock.



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Way to go guys! Good thing he knew about/found about WAMAS in time to have some survivors.

Yeah kudos to Marine Scene here. They said that they could either wait and bring things in to the store on Tuesday or post on WAMAS. I can't imagine non-hobbiests really knowing how to transport live fish, so the WAMAS referral was great.


If you are redistributing we would love some live rock.

PM them :) I don't have it!

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I'm surprised Marine Scene didn't come to the rescue. I thought they also did tank setups maintenance etc. Maybe not on the weekends. Or maybe there fish only on Tuesday rule is that strict. Anyway good job.

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Alas, the hippo tang died. Hadn't seen him in the sump really since I put him in but figured he was doing the hippo thing and hiding behind a rock somewhere. Today found him with his head buried in the sand (yeah that's kinda odd). :(


Yellow tang's still kicking. Has made friends with my unicorn (naso brevirostris).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hmm, can you believe that the Purple Tang is still alive, even though he hasn't eaten anything in 4 weeks since the rescue!!! I mean, how long can a fish live on just water? :lol: Seriously, I'm really frustrated with the progress that he's making (or lack of)...




-- Rob

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Yanek and Rob-

Good show! Glad to see that Marine Scene recommended us.


Rob - the purple tang isn't looking in poor health.......maybe it's just eating while you're not looking. Hope it survives. Keep us posted.

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He's still in a 20G Q-tank. I really don't think that he's eating. He may look good (and Yanek can attest to how bad he looked) but he's sluggish, uninterested in anything, and just keeps treading water. I think the fish is too weak to be put in a community tank with aggressive eaters. Although, people on ReefCentral are suggesting I try that - maybe I should, since he's not doing that good (IMHO) in the Q-tank.


-- Rob

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Do you think it's the QT tank or that it's still not healthy? I don't know that putting it into a regular tank would help it out much. Do you run a simple QT or is it a treatment tank, as well? Any medication, etc. in there?

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