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Maroon Clown Fish - Yes/No and Pictures??


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If you'd like the look and personality of a maroon with a bit of a less aggressive edge, you can look into a hybrid like a mai tai (female ocellaris/male maroon) clown. I've had mine for about a year (pictured below with the black ocellaris when I first got her, and a month or two ago with the tang and anemone) and she's been pretty relaxed with her tank mates (currently a pair of bartlett anthias, a randall goby, green mandarin, black male clown, and a yellow tang. She also lived peacefully with a since rehomed sixline and a few other species that didn't make it due to beginner mistakes and various ailments). She has a pretty unique color and shape that I find interesting and pleasing.


As I said, she's not as aggressive as the maroons I've read about, but she's also not a docile ocellaris. She'll nip at me if I mess with her anemone, though she's never come close to drawing blood, and she'll give mean looks to the anthias or randall goby if they venture too close to the rbta, though I've yet to see her actually attack, and they all peacefully eat right above the rbta (which has no bubble tips anymore and is freakin massive and takes up an entire corner of my tank, but I digress).


She does have a potential mate - a black ocellaris. She wasn't fully mature when I purchased her, and I added her to the tank at the same time as a then very small black ocellaris and watched them closely for a few weeks. Because he was so small, he submitted pretty quickly and she didn't pay much attention to him...until I added the rbta a few months later, then all H-E-double hockey sticks broke loose. Pretty sure that's when she started to become female. She became territorial and really aggressive towards the black ocellaris (although she never bothered the other fish) and tore his fins up pretty consistently for a few months, to the point that I considered separating them. However, over time she allowed him to hang out near the anemone (never inside) and although I don't think they've fully "bonded" yet, they now both spend almost all of their time hovering in and/or around the two rbtas, and he's allowed to hover closer to and sometimes in one of the anemones. She still charges him sometimes, but I'm content with their current status, though of course I hope that they fully bond over time and maybe spawn. It'd be interesting to see if 1. she's fertile and 2. if so, what the offspring of a mai tai female/black ocellaris male would look like. Not sure I've seen that combination yet, though MattieJay or another clown breeder may know if that hybrid exists. 


I've seen them at various stores in the area and I picked mine up from Tropical Lagoon for a pretty reasonable price, something like $35-$40. I would highly recommend them based on my own experience, but I may have lucked out with mine.


I like the color on those.. Thanks for the feedback.. Will take a look..



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Would have killed for one of these for my second tank, but I don't think they've been released: http://www.seaandreef.com/marine-ornamental-fish/clownfish/black-davinci-clownfish. For some reason they remind me of pandas. 


Yeah.. I like those as well. Im sure the price point will be up there for a while.. 

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Lmao after reading this post I feel a lot better that it's just not my maroon that hates me it just runs in there blood. Mine gets so mad when I put hand in tank and will travel all the way across the tank to bite me. It loves biting me and can hurt at times after a little sometimes I can get it to calm down and almost pet it but not always. Only fish it picks on in tank is Foxface but all my fish pick on her.

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Yeah.. I like those as well. Im sure the price point will be up there for a while..

Sea and reef hasn't released any black Davinci for the open market yet if they even are producing it yet. That was just a single fish and different photos.


Now there is another producing a black Davinxi but they don't have full black faces yet

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I took this picture somewhere in the south pacific... Look at the teeth.. speaking of drawing blood..LOL



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Following up on the Mai Tai: She's become considerably darker and more maroon-like in features as she's matured and looks almost black underneath the actinics.  


Those teeth are frightening.

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I had a full sized Maroon female that used to bite my fingers and would ocassionally draw blood. Every time the fish bit me, I thumped it in the head with my finger. after a few weeks of this, the fish stopped biting my hand and even became calm enough to allow me to pick it up out of the water without thrashing.

positive reinforcement works.

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