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For those using no-ip DDNS


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I just got a note from reeftronics (as my system was failing to update all day):



This morning Reeftronics began experiencing communications failures with large numbers of members’ controllers.  I investigated, and saw a commonality – almost of all of the failures were with controllers using no-ip.com’s dynamic DNS service.    I checked no-ip’s Twitter feed, and found tweets acknowledging that they were having technical issues.  I wanted to send out an email to all affected members earlier, but had to travel to a client site and attend meetings.  As soon as I could, I delved more, and found out that the issue with No-IP is not a just technical issue – they were essentially shut down by court order.  More info about this can be found here:  http://arstechnica.com/security/2014/06/millions-of-dymanic-dns-users-suffer-after-microsoft-seizes-no-ip-domains/
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Very interesting situation. Nice work-around, too - even if it does require some manual effort on the part of millions of legitimate users. The final paragraph in the article linked to in the first post is very telling:


"Monday's seizure was the tenth major malware disruption Microsoft has participated in. The actions typically combine surprise technical and legal procedures that eradicate or significantly disrupt major botnets. Generally, law-abiding Internet users benefit from the actions because they vastly reduce a form of crime that's extremely difficult to combat. The latest action, however, underscores the darker side of these legal procedures, as millions of legitimate users get caught in the crossfire."

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Still working here...the link did not have the update with their workarounds when i posted. Glad they are offering some way to get "resolved"

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So I am actually a paying customer of no-ip.com for their enhanced service to avoid the annoyances of constantly logging in to get the domain to update and keep resolving.  I paid for two years which is through april 2015.  Now I'm not getting the service I paid for.  They allege it is because of something Microsoft did, but the fact is that they sold me something and now I'm not getting it. 


They're going through the wringer now, but it seems like I would be warranted to ask for a refund for a service that they can no longer provide to me.

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I would certainly press for a refund.  The more pressure they get from the people to whom they are providing a service, the more likely they will strive to achieve an outcome.

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I am not going to use some minecraft domain for my dynamic DNS name. No-ip.org was just fine, but I will probably now see if godaddy or others offer it as a reasonably priced service and maybe use one of the real domains I own.

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Alan you could always make a cname on your real domain to whatever minecraft or other service you choose. Since you are paying, could always switch to dyndns. I never advertise my dyndns. Only ones who know are those doing an nslookup.

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This thread might as well be in Chinese to me...

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I'm a paying dyndns user and have had a dyndns account for going on 5 years now. Works well thus far. 

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I got my dyndns account in 1998 when they first got started. I think I was account #45 or something. I paid $30 one time for a lifetime membership and it had been rock solid ever since. They actually sent me an email a few months ago letting me know that even though they were moving to an all-paid service, my grandfather account would always be free :)

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I will probably get an account from them.  I need to pay for dns from a provider that doesn't have any free service at all.  Malware types aren't interested in using paid services...

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I got my dyndns account in 1998 when they first got started. I think I was account #45 or something. I paid $30 one time for a lifetime membership and it had been rock solid ever since. They actually sent me an email a few months ago letting me know that even though they were moving to an all-paid service, my grandfather account would always be free :)

Bleh. I rode on their free program for years and dealt with their monthly nag notices to confirm my free account. I wish I'd paid for a lifetime membership when you did. Instead, I finally waited for one of their sales and finally converted. Still, the service has been solid ever since I started using it.

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