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Hey everyone!


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Good afternoon everyone!


     I wanted to briefly introduce myself since I will be meeting some new faces tomorrow.  My name is Robert Burgee, I am a student at Towson University currently and have a strong passion for the hobby.  I have been reef keeping since I was 12 and enjoy it more everyday. I am the president of the newly formed Baltimore Saltwater Hobbyists.  We are growing at a steady pace and I actually cannot believe the outcome of my minimal marketing for the club.  We are not the other club in Baltimore at all, and I would like to build a relationship with WAMAS considering we are neighbours and hopefully maybe partner up in the future and host a MACNA.  That is my long term goal and possibly too ambitious but that is what I'm working for.  My girlfriend and I will be heading down to Petland for your social tomorrow.  I hope to meet some new people tomorrow and have a great day of reef conversations.  If anyone has any questions about myself or BSH please PM me or just make a post to this thread.  To the admin: I hope this is the correct area to post this.


I hope everyone has a great weekend!





PS I am not sure who to contact about membership so please if someone could point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it.

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Hi Bob. Welcome to WAMAS. You can always reach me at tom@wamas.org, by the way. Tell us more about your setup.


I'm glad to hear that you've got a group of passionate hobbyists about. We're everywhere.


By the "other club," are you referring to CMAS?


As for WAMAS, we're a pretty active club. We hosted MACNA in 2005. You can always click on "About WAMAS" at the top of the page. We've got about 700 paid members and about 2,700 total active in the forum. We meet quarterly and fly speakers in from around the country. We try to do at least one sponsor social a quarter if we can get it on the calendar, too. And, finally, we get about 1.7 million reads on our forum annually.


I'm still unsure if I can get out to the social tomorrow, but will certainly be at the meeting that we have coming up the first weekend in April. We're bringing Mitch Carl in to speak. It would definitely be worth the trip down for you. Maybe I'll see you there.

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You might just move to VA after you get a taste of WAMAS :)

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Thanks everyone!  Is Rik still around? And I will have some pics shortly, I changed the plumbing on my 75 around.  I've been pretty busy today lol

Edited by Rburgee
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Why? MD>VA.....


Let's save this for a thread in the fuge, not Roberts intro post.


I hope you were able to reach out to Tom about membership, the first 2 posts were great guidelines. How about a picture of your current setup :) 

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Let's save this for a thread in the fuge, not Roberts intro post.


I hope you were able to reach out to Tom about membership, the first 2 posts were great guidelines. How about a picture of your current setup :)



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