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Sexy Shrimp exploded!


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I saw something incredible in my refugium this Saturday. I just happened to be looking at the Sexy Shrimp, when the female suddenly lurched to the surface and literally exploded with a cloud of about 50-80 larvae! I've seen cleaner shrimp release larvae one by one, so this was quite amazing. Has anyone else experienced this?



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Interesting- I have seen Hermits release thier babies into the water column as a kind of cloud strean that they keep moving into the current while gready fish hover near picking at the planktonic bonanza. But I have never kept a sexy shrimp for worry over thier requirements to feed them.

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Interesting- I have seen Hermits release thier babies into the water column as a kind of cloud strean that they keep moving into the current while gready fish hover near picking at the planktonic bonanza. But I have never kept a sexy shrimp for worry over thier requirements to feed them.





I keep a pair (confirmed!) of sexy shrimp and 2 peppermint shrimps in my 20L home-made refugium. I don't really feed them anything, maybe couple of small granules of fish food once in a while. They have survived quite a few mini-cataclysms... (temperature drop to 60F when my pump failed, cyano-bacteria outbreak, light failure for a couple of days) but they seem to be thriving... You could safely put them in your seahorse tank.



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Guest Sachin
I saw something incredible in my refugium this Saturday.  I just happened to be looking at the Sexy Shrimp, when the female suddenly lurched to the surface and literally exploded with a cloud of about 50-80 larvae!    I've seen cleaner shrimp release larvae one by one, so this was quite amazing.  Has anyone else experienced this?






Yes, I have seen Cleaner Shrimp give birth to over 200 eggs/babies

what ever they are

it happened at night time, but when I turned the light on

the other fish in the tank though it was dinner

so they were all eaten

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That's pretty cool!


I didn't think that shrimp bred in captivity? :idea2:

Edited by Herbert
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IME just about any two properly-sexed peppermint shrimp will breed regularly too.




That's pretty cool!


I didn't think that shrimp bred in captivity?  :idea2:


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Guest alex wlazlak

when you say exploded...........to clear some things up, is the mother shrimp still alive? are there still baby's alive? and how much $$$$??? :)

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when you say exploded...........to clear some things up, is the mother shrimp still alive? are there still baby's alive? and how much $$$$??? :)



Yes Alex, mom is doing fine. The babies, well, my Mandarin Goby had a busy night piggin out on them once they drained into my main tank. :D



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You said "once it drain into main tank". That means you keep your sexy shrimp in a refugium or sump pump?


Also. I have a pair of skunk shrimps and they add to the water column every blue moon. Usually one of them goes to the top of the rock formation and releases a cloud of little eggs into the water. This happens at night only, and of course the other fish go crazy, it is a frenzy scene.


Some survive and go on into the sump pump and refugium after traveling through the overflows. They live for few month in those areas but then disapear... don't know what happens, and there is no other livestock in those separate containers.

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You said "once it drain into main tank".  That means you keep your sexy shrimp in a refugium or sump pump?


Also.  I have a pair of skunk shrimps and they add to the water column every blue moon.  Usually one of them goes to the top of the rock formation and releases a cloud of little eggs into the water. This happens at night only, and of course the other fish go crazy, it is a frenzy scene.


Some survive and go on into the sump pump and refugium after traveling through the overflows.  They live for few month in those areas but then disapear... don't know what happens, and there is no other livestock in those separate containers.



Yeah, they're in the refugium, which gravity feeds the main tank.


My gf's skunk cleaner shrimps release babies once in a while too. I've seen them live for a while under LR and such. The look exactly like Mysis shrimp and get to about 1/4" in length. I wonder what would take to keep them alive longer...



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My skunk cleaner shrimp had eggs recently... it was a green area visible in her body. One evening my wife noted that the green was gone and there were a bunch of creamy/tan lumps all over the underside of her tail. They stayed there for about three days and then they just disappeared. I've never had any sort of cleaner shrimp reproduction, but it would be neat if a few of the many eggs survived somehow in the rockwork... not likely IMO, but still interesting.

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I have seen mine survive up to two month, and grow up to 1/8 of an inch, but then the Angels, Clowns, and Tangs feast on them when they come out of hidding. I tried uptting them in the sump but they get suck up by the pump and into the display they go again and live food... perhaps one of these days. ;)

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Awesome! I have 6 sexy shrimp, and 1 female is due to pop soon. I noticed something odd with them though. Looking in my tank (minibow 7 sexies and mushies/rics only) at night with a regular old battery powered flashlight, some of the shrimp looked green and others looked like the regular colors. I've been checking for a few weeks now, and I think that the males look green under this lighting and the females do not. I can't be positive, but the one female that is pregnant definitely does not show green. Could anyone else give this a shot? It doesn't appear to be something they are eating b/c the entire carapace has a sheen of green, not just the gut. Lemme know!

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