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ca reactor question?


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can a calcium reactor be used while there are just a few sps corals in the tank, or does it add to much ca and alkalinity for just a few corals. I know they can be adjusted, but can they be adjusted down to a level of only a few corals? 

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You can but you have to really drop the flow or drip count down as well as the bubble count. If just a few corals I would just use Kent Marine Turbo Calcium and Kent Marine Superbuffer - dKH. Or, try dripping kalk. No need to run the re-circulation pump on a reactor for a light coral load.

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You can but you have to really drop the flow or drip count down as well as the bubble count. If just a few corals I would just use Kent Marine Turbo Calcium and Kent Marine Superbuffer - dKH. Or, try dripping kalk. No need to run the re-circulation pump on a reactor for a light coral load.



Good advice. I would just stick to water changes and make the adjustments in the salt mix.


Both of the above are good. Depending upon the size of the corals, water changes may be sufficient. Topping off with premixed kalkwasser as your topoff may also be a good option if consumption warrants.

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