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Tank Advice


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Since I'm breaking down my 80 gallon rimless, I'm working on putting together a new tank for the main level of my living room. It needs to take up as minimal space as possible.


My ideal tank size is 24x24x24, and I have been really impressed by the ADA 22x22x22 or Mr Aqua 24x24x24 aquariums. Originally I wanted to see if I could get a tank built by Adam from Artfully Acrylic, but the limitations acrylic thickness for a rimless build of this size has put me off somewhat.


I have been searching for a Mr Aqua 24x24x24 tank but it seems to be discontinued? Is this true? Does anyone know where I can purchase this tank if possible?


Also, I'm also searching for a MAME Overflow. The clean glass look of this overflow (teamschreiba) looks amazing and from the reviews, is very silent.


Does MAME or any other manufacturer make a glass return by any chance?


As far as skimmers are concerned, I would need something very silent. Any suggestions? Bubble King Mini 160? How quiet is it? I've had an Avast skimmer in the past, super efficient, but it can be a little noisy. Any suggestions?

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Marineland makes a 24x24x24 cube with a minimalist overflow. There's one for sale on the forums. I've used one before but ran out of room for coral... Some of the other tanks aren't as good in terms of quality construction vs. the Marineland.

If you make a cabinet stand, you won't have to worry about the skimmer making noise. The Avast CS1 kills the BK mini handsdown.

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I've got a Deep blue 24 x 24 cube. Cost me $299 brand new at aquarium one. I like it. Corner overflow. Front panel is starphire glass.

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+1 on the Glass Holes overflow. Drilling the glass is easier than people make out, just go slow and set your clutch on the drill all the way down (lowest setting)so that if it binds up it doesn't crack the glass.

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