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Juvenile seahorse eating frozen


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Thanks to everyone on WAMAS who gave me advice about how to get my fry to start eating frozen food. I finally had success today. I have two that have made it to over twelve weeks only eating live brine. Today I threw a piece of Jan's food in the tank ( my adult seahorse like it) and one of the seahorses ate it . I then threw some frozen mysis and he snicked that up as well. The other one is still only eating live, but it's a start. So, thanks to everyone with their great advice and thanks Jan- it seems he liked your food! Cris

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Wow, this is amazing news, Cris. Even more amazing is that you have 12 week old ponies already; are you sure you're not a mermaid? This kind of success is unheard of for someone so new to the hobby. Must have been a mermaid in your other life. Keep up the great work!!!!


Thanks to everyone on WAMAS who gave me advice about how to get my fry to start eating frozen food. I finally had success today. I have two that have made it to over twelve weeks only eating live brine. Today I threw a piece of Jan's food in the tank ( my adult seahorse like it) and one of the seahorses ate it . I then threw some frozen mysis and he snicked that up as well. The other one is still only eating live, but it's a start. So, thanks to everyone with their great advice and thanks Jan- it seems he liked your food! Cris

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Great job, Cris!!





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