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Stocking New 150 Gallon Fish Tank

Ryan S

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I have in my 156 RR mixed reef

1 large yellow tang

1 large hippo tang

1 large sailfin tang

1 medium yellow eye kole tang

1 juvenile carribean blue

1 juvinile brown tang

1 Large Melenarous wrasse

1 small 6 line wrasse

1 large red spot goby and his tiger pistol shrimp

1 large 14" engineer goby

1 black sailfin blenny (I think this fish chased my midas out)

1 male and 3 female larytail anthias

1 female swallowtail angel

1 yellow breasted regal angel

5 medium size blue chromis

2 black and white clown fish

1 medium size cleaner wrasse

1 yellow canary blenny that hides in the rocks in the back

1 tiny yellow clown goby that hosts in my sps angry.gif (it's killing the center of my efflo, but it's a cute fish)

2 large cleaner shrimp

1 large scarlet shrimp

3 peppermint shrimp that only come out at night

1 large elephant slug that only comes out at night

1 large porcelaine crab that hosts in my anemones (I have 3 anemones; RBTA, red with green BT and neon green with purple tips)

Everyone gets along just fine.


I'm waiting for 1 female bellus angel and 1 male swallowtail angel.



Holy crap thats a lot of fish. Forget the tang police, im going to call the tang Feds.. Ill bet your tank is fun to watch. I have just a few fish, and there all very slow moving. I think I have a seniors tank, something the old eye can keep up with..

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Ryan, remember there is no rush. I agree with Chad on starting in a direction or a focal point to build on. For me it was the Cowfish, after that I was able to narrow down my list of what will and wont work with him. Though my fish are slow moving and very docile I am happy with them, and the challange of finding cool tankmates has actually been a lot of fun. So far so good.!

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Ryan, remember there is no rush. I agree with Chad on starting in a direction or a focal point to build on. For me it was the Cowfish, after that I was able to narrow down my list of what will and wont work with him. Though my fish are slow moving and very docile I am happy with them, and the challange of finding cool tankmates has actually been a lot of fun. So far so good.!


Absolutely. And that leads me to my follow up question, which is, what would be the best way to add all of these fish to the tank, over time, to prevent aggression issues, and give the list the best chance at success? I was thinking 2-4 groups, adding a new group every X months?

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I would do at least three if not four groups so as not to over load the bio capacity of the tank. Give the bacteria a chance to populate as needed.


That works for me. And add the next group after how long? 2 months maybe?


How do these groups look? The most shy fish first, the tangs last?


Group 1:

2 Cleaner Skunk Shrimp

2 Fire Shrimp

1 Ocellaris Clownfish, Male, Tank Bred

1 Ocellaris Clownfish, Female, Tank Bred

1 Swallowtail Angelfish, Male

1 Swallowtail Angelfish, Female


Group 2:

1 Male Bartlett Anthias

5 Female Bartlett Anthias

1 Male Lyretail Anthias

5 Female Lyretail Anthias


Group 3:

1 Midas Blenny

1 Diamond Watchman Goby

1 Yellow Watchman Goby

1 Tiger Pistol Shrimp

1 McCosker's Flasher Wrasse, Male

2 McCosker's Flasher Wrasse, Female


Group 4:

1 Blue Hippo Tang, Small

1 Desjardini Sailfin Tang, Small

1 Yellow Tang, Small

1 Powder Blue Tang, Small

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Frenzy! They eat my fish food right out of my hand. They nip at my fingers in anticipation. They also folllow me around the tank. It's fun and funny.


Nothing short of Chaos im sure.!!

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I'm thinking of going with an orange spot watchman possibly. Looks similar to a diamond, but pairs with a pistol shrimp.


I would think though if you added the diamond goby and then the corals away from where you know he likes to burrow you should be fine...in theory. I also think that your tank shape/aquascape will curb a lot of aggression and territory issues, so add away!


Also while your fish list is looking awesome now, you're going to find fish that aren't on it and fall in love with them and they could change your tank in a new direction. Don't think of this as a final stock list, just keep growing it with things that excite you and plan around things you can't live without.


Keep your peppermints well fed, they may not go after aiptasia as well but at least they won't go after that perfect favia either. Also they will breed like crazy and I haven't had anything eat the babies.

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PS: Does anyone have a Diamond Watchman Goby that they actually enjoy - and who doesn't mess the sand up too badly or cover corals with sand?


We have one and I love it. He does mess things up but that's part of the fun for me. I enjoy coming home from work or getting up in the morning and seeing how he has changed the sandscape. I totally get why other people might hate them though.

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I would think though if you added the diamond goby and then the corals away from where you know he likes to burrow you should be fine...in theory. I also think that your tank shape/aquascape will curb a lot of aggression and territory issues, so add away!


Also while your fish list is looking awesome now, you're going to find fish that aren't on it and fall in love with them and they could change your tank in a new direction. Don't think of this as a final stock list, just keep growing it with things that excite you and plan around things you can't live without.


Keep your peppermints well fed, they may not go after aiptasia as well but at least they won't go after that perfect favia either. Also they will breed like crazy and I haven't had anything eat the babies.


My corals should all be at the top of my rocks, so I don't *think* he'd get sand on them unless he takes it from the sand bed, up to a rock, and dumps it off? In which case, I would definitely send him packing lol.


I totally realize the list is more like a draft than a final list. I'm definitely open to seeing new fish I haven't even heard of before and getting them incorporated down the road! (For example: I know I want a Mandarin and a Scooter Blenny - but not for a long time.)


As to the pepps, I went ahead and yanked them. I'm going to go with 2 cleaner shrimp and 2 fire shrimp to start. Maybe add pepps down the road if I ever get aiptasia, but I don't want to risk them going after my zoas if they get hungry!



We have one and I love it. He does mess things up but that's part of the fun for me. I enjoy coming home from work or getting up in the morning and seeing how he has changed the sandscape. I totally get why other people might hate them though.


I am the type of person that "flattens" out the sand with my hand each week, after the vortech has made some sand dunes here and there. So the sand sifting goby does make me a little nervous haha. But worse case scenario, I will just sell him here on WAMAS or trade him to a LFS for store credit. Can't hurt to try!

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Just my 2 cents, I like your fish list up to the tangs.


Looks like the same list that everyone else has.


With the variety of tangs that are available, I'm not sure why everyone keeps the same ones.


I just got a yellow mimic, beautiful fish.


again, just my 2 cents.







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Just my 2 cents, I like your fish list up to the tangs.


Looks like the same list that everyone else has.


With the variety of tangs that are available, I'm not sure why everyone keeps the same ones.


I just got a yellow mimic, beautiful fish.


again, just my 2 cents.



+1... I too like to try and differ from the norm. Honestly, there are so many different options out there. Some that arent rare, but also not seen in the home tank all that often. IE atlantic blue tangs are really nice and common, but not many members have them. White cheek tangs are nice too, different from the powder blue and browns.. I know I have it said before, but I think its fun to have something different from the norm.




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Question. I was told that you needed to have a "mated pair" of the fish below, if you wanted to keep 2 of them. If I don't want to buy a "mated pair" in advance, can I just buy 2 at liveaquaria, or a LFS, and put them into my tank at the same time, and they will "become" a mated pair, or will they fight?




Ocellaris Clownfish


Spotted Cardinalfish


Kaudern's Cardinal

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^do it!!!!


On the clowns... you are probably OK if you buy two that are very different sizes...


The others you are taking a risk buying just two and hoping for a mated pair. (A risk that I have taken often, just have a backup plan in place to deal with it and you will be fine).

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I found the difference in length in the second dorsal fin for Bangaii Cardinals to be somewhat accurate.

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