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Saltwater Aquariums

Papa Splax

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I have wrote numerous articles about saltwater aquariums and just wanted to share a few with you all. I have been a member for awhile although I may not be well known I wanted to put my name out there a little more, thank you.


Salt water Advice - http://nspeel.hubpages.com/hub/Saltwater-Aquarium-Advice


Fish has White Spots - http://nspeel.hubpages.com/hub/Saltwater-tank-crashes


Aquariums Crashing - http://nspeel.hubpages.com/hub/Aquarium-is-Crashing


Let me know what you think.

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I'll give my honest opinion.


Alot of the information you gave is basic knowledge that can be found in a lot of different places, also some of the information is wrong. :blink:

In the article about tank crashes you dont talk about how to find the cause of the problem, only ways to "fix" a problem.

I wouldnt call getting ich a crash, and I dont have a clue what a bacteria crash is?

Ich treated in QT should be alot longer then 35 days, almost double that really, your DT should be left fishless for 6-8 weeks by most people's advice.


The biggest thing I had a problem with is that you keep a 14 inch lion fish in a 55 gallon tank? A standard 55 is only 13 inches wide, that tank is nowhere big enough for it. Take you own advice and do some research about your livestock you intend to keep.




I would leave the atricle writing and advice giving to someone more knowlegable then yourself, there are plenty of great books out there about the hobby that people can learn from. Disinformation and opposing opinions run rampant in this hobby, no need to add fuel to the fire.

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I found the articles a little hard to read at times as they were missing some key commas needed to make them flow better. Wow, a 14" fish in a 55g tank! You really need to get that 150g up and running fast. Do you have any pictures of your whole tank you can share?



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I can appreciate that your trying to help people, but you may be doing the opposite. You have information that contradicts you other articles, in which both you are incorrect. Your water parameters for saltwater are WAY off.. As stated above leave the advice to the experts and there books. You may even want to pick up a few of those books and refresh yourself with that information. You are going to need a lot more than 150g square tank to keep ANY shark, most reliable sources say 500g minimum..



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I have never heard of an ich treatment lasting quite that long although I will continue reading up on it and correct my problems. As for the shark he was only temporary and was going somewhere else very quickly. The 55g has a 30g refugium on it where all the live rock is stored so the lion fish has the entire 55g to himself. Although I am moving him very soon no one would accept him at the time and they were going to toss him into the ocean. I just do not see an aquarium lion fish making it in the polluted ocean so I think I saved his life. He may be a little anger for a few weeks but at least he isnt floating up on shore as I see it I guess. Pictures I can throw on in a few hours.

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Actually lionfish do survive in the ocean. The problem is people buy them, and they get big, no one wants it, so it gets thrown in the ocean, and now there killing off the natural inhabitants of that part of the ocean. Not much, if anything eats them, while they eat lots of things.


As for the shark, thats fine, but transitioning a fish like from one place to another to another isnt good either, in fact it will probably not make it, and if it does it was very lucky.


I dont, and im sure others dont mean to come off sounding harsh, but posting in advice forums with incorrect or incomplete information is part of what dooms that 8 out of 10 who quit. Had they gotten the right information to begin with maybe that number goes from 8 down to 4.. Again, I appreciate that your trying to support the hobby and be helpful, but I think you need to leave it to others while refining your own skills.. Just my opinion..

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In your case yes, because will change it for something different within a couple weeks anyway.


Just because I've change tanks once, ok maybe twice, doesn't mean I'll make a habit of it. Is it wrong that I'm already trying to figure out a way to upgrade? I don't know what is better........building them or keeping them.

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Guest thefishman65

I never realized the northern snakehead was ornamental. I guess I need to get one for my pond :)

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For the sake of all the animals kept by hobbyists on other places on the internet, PLEASE either change or remove the information you posted in those articles! You can only hurt your own reputation by putting around information that will lead people down a dark road and result in dead animals.

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I have never heard of an ich treatment lasting quite that long although I will continue reading up on it and correct my problems. As for the shark he was only temporary and was going somewhere else very quickly. The 55g has a 30g refugium on it where all the live rock is stored so the lion fish has the entire 55g to himself. Although I am moving him very soon no one would accept him at the time and they were going to toss him into the ocean. I just do not see an aquarium lion fish making it in the polluted ocean so I think I saved his life. He may be a little anger for a few weeks but at least he isnt floating up on shore as I see it I guess. Pictures I can throw on in a few hours.


Fillet that lionfish, dip in batter, cut in squares, throw some toothpicks in there and serve him up at the next meeting!

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