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New stuff at BRK


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We have been soo busy here at the shop that I wanted to share some of our new changes.


1) First off the most obvious is the paint job, our landlord had decided to paint our building!!! Yea great, its Barn red with white trim, you cant miss it now!! Anyway it looks good, new , clean and fresh!


2) With many other LFS stores going out of business I have decided to enter the freshwater market. Now it may not mean much to our Marine club but help spread the word and notice that page 2 on our stocklist is freshwater. BRK stocklist


3) Betas have become quite a hit for a few bucks you can have a nice little set up for your desk or cubical, to curb your stress during the day. We have some really killer ones and they are sooo cheap!


4) We have not had a wamas discount program but we are working on a rewards program that is tracked in our system and when you hit a certain dollar amount you will get a free gift certificate! woo hoo


5) We will be carrying the reef octopus line of skimmers soon, great skimmers as reasonable price. We still carry bubble king and Deltec as well of course.


6) We will have a banging social coming up soon, DONT MISS IT!!!!


7) We have a new staff member Amanda, so if you haven't met her come in on Saturdays too meet her, she is really cool, introduce yourself and say hello.



8) Top secret program that we are working on that comes from the home automation industry to control your tanks with a touch screen!!!.. Its a ways out but it will be bad ass!


9) And lastly my koi maintenance guy will be leaving in a few weeks, so I will be taking over the maintenance side of things for the next few months, so you may not see me in the store as much but I can assure you I am working!


10) we are starting marine tank maintenance now as well, Everyone else is doing it why not us! If you are interested please let me know and I can get you a rate sheet. Remember we are a store, with overhead so my price will be higher than the guys that run out of their homes, illegally.


come one in and check out all the changes, I hope you are as excited as we are!


John and the BRK team


See you soon!



Edited by johnnybv
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It's good to see another small business owner and fellow club member getting into the FW business to give some of the Big Box stores a run for the money. They might be able to undercut the price slightly, but they can't compete with the personalized service. I need to refresh some of the stock in my FW tank soon and will be heading to BRK when I get ready to make my next purchase, even if it is a few miles out of my way.

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All good news, John. Where will you be setting up the FW section? Will it take over some floorspace now used for SW or is it in another area of the store?

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I was in there on Saturday to pick up my Hanna checkers (and, of course, some other stuff while I was there too...). Looks good, John!

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