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Cyanobacteria is out of control: Recommend Product?


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Red Slime remover now seems to be a different chemical than it used to be. It is even in a different package. Either way, I have used it and did not have any problems. The cyano disappeared in a day

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If you want, I have some Chemiclean you can have I can bring to the social if you are going. Again, use with caution like justin said, but you can have.

Hey Doug, thanks for the offer, but I am not going to make it to the social :(


I still am not sure exactly how I am going to handle it yet either...

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With respect to dosing trace elements, since I was not doing water changesI was only dosing to replenish trace elements . I really despise water changes and my logic was.."if the only purpose of water changes is to replenish trace elements and reduce nitrates" then because I do not have nitrates i will just repelenish manually.




You need to remember the water changes do more than just replace trace elements. It also helps to remove portions of other compounds that can build up in the water.


Boyds Chemiclean Red Slime Remover contains no algacides, or erythromcin succinate.

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I still am not sure exactly how I am going to handle it yet either...


I've been having a battle with cyano for a while now too and, although I have been doing water changes, I'm going to increase the frequency to see if that helps. I started with a 20% this morning and I plan another 20% Monday evening .. then I'll start with REGULAR 10% changes every week.

Edited by Glenn
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I've been having a battle with cyano for a while now too and, although I have been doing water changes, I'm going to increase the frequency to see if that helps. I started with a 20% this morning and I plan another 20% Monday evening .. then I'll start with REGULAR 10% changes every week.



Can you describe what you have done so far to reduce the cyano "naturally"? I am considering not using any kind of medication and I am wondering what didn't work for you...

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cut the lights down to 3hrs and added a K-Nano along with the MP-10 that was already in there. When that didn't work, I cut out the lights (250w MH - left the T5 actinics on) out completely for 3 days. That reduced it, but it came back the day I turned the MH back on.


I was 'vacuuming' the cyano off the sand every day / every other day and brushing the rock w/ a toothbrush, then increasing the flow on the sump's pump to get it into the overflow before it could settle. The vacuuming and overflow went into a filter sock, then the sock was replaced and rinsed/bleached. I just ordered another MP-10 and plan to permanently replace the K-Nano w/ it when it arrives.


fyi - this is a 50cube with about 10-15g sump/refugium.

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cut the lights down to 3hrs and added a K-Nano along with the MP-10 that was already in there. When that didn't work, I cut out the lights (250w MH - left the T5 actinics on) out completely for 3 days. That reduced it, but it came back the day I turned the MH back on.


I was 'vacuuming' the cyano off the sand every day / every other day and brushing the rock w/ a toothbrush, then increasing the flow on the sump's pump to get it into the overflow before it could settle. The vacuuming and overflow went into a filter sock, then the sock was replaced and rinsed/bleached. I just ordered another MP-10 and plan to permanently replace the K-Nano w/ it when it arrives.


fyi - this is a 50cube with about 10-15g sump/refugium.



I see, did you do water changes along with that regiment


Edited by cabrego
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I see, did you do water changes along with that regiment



to be perfectly honest - no ... I was so busy vacuuming and brushing and rinsing and bleaching and setting up the frag system ... well I just never focused on the fact that it had been over six weeks since I last did a water change on that system.

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to be perfectly honest - no ... I was so busy vacuuming and brushing and rinsing and bleaching and setting up the frag system ... well I just never focused on the fact that it had been over six weeks since I last did a water change on that system.



I see, it looks like we have something in common. I think I am going to give the natural method month or so, if I don't see improvement I will probably go with some chemiclean...I will keep you guys posted.

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FWIW, I am dealing with some form of cyano outbreak too, although mine is a chunky yellow & brown variety.

...And does it get lots of bubbles of air? Looks like dydo fogell algae SP?

Let me know how that whole thing works out. I have it in my frag tank as well and have done everything including stripping the entire tank free of it and toothbrushing the frags as clean as I could. Comes back a month later...


On the subject, I'm with the Chemi Clean fan club. I've only had to use it once, but it worked like a champ. Actually considering using it on this stain of whatever I have algae.




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Skimmer will only remove a portion of the DOCs. Improve your water change schedule, increase it to 10%-20% every 2 weeks. Reduce the amount you're feeding or make a habit to use a net and remove the excess after about 5 minutes. Remove the cyano by siphoning when you do your water changes. You won't need to do trace element replacement because your water changes will take care of that. After about 6-8 weeks, if you still have cyano problems, pull the rocks and scrub them. Once the cyano is out of the system and your nutrient levels are under control, your chaeto will start growing again. We've all gone through it, but you've already diagnosed the problem - heavy feeding and no water changes.


I agree with Dave's remarks, and would also add that old bulbs seemed to add to my problem. I had troubles with slim algae, and I think they were a result of inadequate skimming. I think all sorts of organics built up in my slime bed (4-6 inches), and even when I upgraded to better skimmers and a remote DSB the organics leaking out of the display sand bed was enough food to keep the slime algae going strong.


I don't recommend antibiotics. I've used them and they're a temporary fix, at best, and years ago I lost some nice corals after one dose. Possibly coincidence.


To be honest, the thing that I think works best, unless you're willing to wait a year for a better skimmer and an RSDB to kick in, is to siphon out all the old sand and rinse it until its clear. Let me make it clear, in my experience this works well to remove slime algae, but I could easily imagine it killing most of what's alive in one's tank. My point is that I think you'd need alot of water changes to remove slime algae, or else wait for a good number of months for a good skimmer and RSBD to kick in, if you're not willing to do a serious and dangerous cleaning of the sand bed (which I did, but I'm sure I was very lucky).

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I got rid of it all in my 75 gallon and the pico with Chemi-clean. It cleared it right up in about 4 days and I've not seen it since. No damage to anything at all. I sware by the stuff.

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No, I got mine on ebay. How big is you system? I'm willing to share some of mine if your system isn't too big. you can start to treat, order some and maybe get a handle on it until yours arrives.

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No, I got mine on ebay. How big is you system? I'm willing to share some of mine if your system isn't too big. you can start to treat, order some and maybe get a handle on it until yours arrives.



total volume is about 120 g or so, I appreciate the offer. I don't mind buying some but it sounds like this stuff works so good that you only use it once. do you have to continually treat with it?

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Sometimes it may take 2 treatments. you have to do at least 20% water change 48hours after each treatment. 1 pakcage is enough to treat 300 gallons.

total volume is about 120 g or so, I appreciate the offer. I don't mind buying some but it sounds like this stuff works so good that you only use it once. do you have to continually treat with it?

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total volume is about 120 g or so, I appreciate the offer. I don't mind buying some but it sounds like this stuff works so good that you only use it once. do you have to continually treat with it?

Edited by Jan
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the best price out there....http://cgi.ebay.com/Chemiclean-2g-Cyano-Red-Slime-Algae-Remover-Chemi-Clean-/190385069142?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c53d59c56

thanks for the link. i dont mind paying a few extra dollars if i can get it locally. anyone know who stocks it?

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Update- last weekend I did a very large water change, close to 30 gallons, and manually removed cyano and vacuumed my thin sand bed. Over the last week the cyano showed some signs of improvement but was still significant, as expected. I am sure it would take weeks of this new routine for it to be really effective.


Because I would like to see results quicker I did the deed yesterday. I picked up chemiclean from superpetz in annandale and I went ahead and dosed my system for 90 gallons-I think that is a conservative estimate of my system volume. I turned off the UV and took the reactors off line per the instructions. I am running my skimmer without the collection cup to provide aeration. I also have a ac50 running with an air line to provide additional aeration.


So far after 24 hours most of the cyano has almost completely disappeared. As of tonight there are still a few small patches here and there but it has dramatically improved. The plan is to do a 20 gallon water change tomorrow night. As for the live stock, no signs of stress, corals show normal polyp extension. The biggest side effect I have seen so far (keep fingers crossed) is that my display is full up micro bubbles.

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The bubbles are normal. They will go away with the water changes.


Update- last weekend I did a very large water change, close to 30 gallons, and manually removed cyano and vacuumed my thin sand bed. Over the last week the cyano showed some signs of improvement but was still significant, as expected. I am sure it would take weeks of this new routine for it to be really effective.


Because I would like to see results quicker I did the deed yesterday. I picked up chemiclean from superpetz in annandale and I went ahead and dosed my system for 90 gallons-I think that is a conservative estimate of my system volume. I turned off the UV and took the reactors off line per the instructions. I am running my skimmer without the collection cup to provide aeration. I also have a ac50 running with an air line to provide additional aeration.


So far after 24 hours most of the cyano has almost completely disappeared. As of tonight there are still a few small patches here and there but it has dramatically improved. The plan is to do a 20 gallon water change tomorrow night. As for the live stock, no signs of stress, corals show normal polyp extension. The biggest side effect I have seen so far (keep fingers crossed) is that my display is full up micro bubbles.

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The bubbles are normal. They will go away with the water changes.


I was being a bit sarcastic about the bubbles being a side effect :tongue:



But I do have a questions for you-you mentioned it took 4 days for the chemi to work. Did you do the 20% water change after 48 hours? And dose again? Or did you just use a single dose?

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unsure.gif The sarcasm went right over my head. I had bubbles up until the 3rd water change after dosing.


Yes, I changed 20% water after each dose. I made extra water after the first dose, just in case. I cut the second dose in half but still went ahead with 20% water change. It hasn't come back since.



I was being a bit sarcastic about the bubbles being a side effect tongue.gif



But I do have a questions for you-you mentioned it took 4 days for the chemi to work. Did you do the 20% water change after 48 hours? And dose again? Or did you just use a single dose?

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