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Ice cubes to get anemones out of rocks?


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Has anyone ever tried using ice cubes? How is it done? I imagine they need to be RO/DI water ice cubes. Someone mentioned using ice cubes to me last night as something they heard. I have a nem that I need to move into another tank. I've tried directing flow at it and it wont move. It's a rock flower anemone. It's foot is deep in a hole in a large rock that's too big to move. Any suggestions?

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i that the ice cube trick would only work if you can get it to the foot so it looses hold, but playing some ice cube might get it to dance it self out the hole ;) lol


Nice one..! :clap:


Jan can you use ice cold water and a baster or syringe and squirt it at the base..?

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LOl, you guys r too much :lol2: .

I can squirt under it into an opening that may reach the foot. I'll try that.


Nice one..! :clap:


Jan can you use ice cold water and a baster or syringe and squirt it at the base..?

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No, I can't see the foot. The nem is in a rock that has lots of holes in it. I'm hoping that the holes closest to it, the ones I can access, connect to it somehow. I'll try squirting cold RO/DI water with my trukey baster under and around it and let you know how it turns out.


Thanks everyone! If you have any other ideas shot them at me.


Can you see where its foot is.? Could you reach it and use a credit card to get it off..? Thanks chip for the nifty trick..!!
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The ice cube trick is not the best. You can actually cause a freezer type burn to the foot. The best I found was to use a really flimsy type card or credit card to slowly pry the foot a little at a time. You have to be lots of patience or if the rock is small just pull it out of the water and let the weight of the tentacles pull the creature from the rock your tryn to remove it from, in any case good luck.

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The ice cube trick is not the best. You can actually cause a freezer type burn to the foot. The best I found was to use a really flimsy type card or credit card to slowly pry the foot a little at a time. You have to be lots of patience or if the rock is small just pull it out of the water and let the weight of the tentacles pull the creature from the rock your tryn to remove it from, in any case good luck.




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Hmm, do you think this will work? I'll try it! thanks.


BTW heads up on the home page with the wrong date, 2/10/10, for the next meet.


Maybe you could make a little black plastic shade to attach over its rock, low light/flow may convince it to move.
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Jan, if you can direct flow at it from a power head and wait a day or so, it may begin to move out of the hole to somewhere you can get at it more easily. Shading does the same sort of thing, but is a little more subtle.

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