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How long does memebership take? Introduction


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Hello everyone..


My name is Tim and I am the newest member of WAMAS. I am 27 and live in South Riding. I have been in the hobby for 2-3 years, but I am still learning something new every day. I have lurked on this board quite a bit and have learned a ton of stuff from reading the threads. Today I decided to go ahead and register and become a memeber. How long does it take for my to get access to the member forum?


Now to the important stuff. I started the hobby with a 36 gallon bow. I bought the tank off craigslist and basically relocated the whole setup to my house, fish included. The tank was a FOWLR. It was a good learning experience keeping an established tank. That being said the tank had some issues (the guy before me used tap water). I ended up moving to my current house and when I did I picked up my current tank which is a 90 gallon AGA with a built in overflow.


The move didnt go all that well and I really lacked the equipment needed to make the tank sucessful. Anyway, to make a long story short... I bought a fish from a lesser LFS (to be kind) and had a huge ick outbreak (I know, my fault for not using QT -- I told you I have learned from my mistakes) and everyone died. I became so frustrated that I decided to give the hobby up for a little bit.


This Christmas I decided to let my family know that I wanted all gifts for the tank. So with all the right equipment and knowledge I started my tank the day after Christmas. The tank has cycled and I have added a CUC and a fish. My goal is to have some real nice mushrooms and some soft corals along with my fish.... (maybe even tank of the month eventually?)


So thats it. I look foward to posting with everyone, this seems like a great community!




Edited by FishyTim
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Membership processing is a manual process on our end and I try to do it every night or at least every other night. I will process your membership as soon as I get access to my other laptop, currently being used for homework.

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awesome. I appreciate your help!


Membership processing is a manual process on our end and I try to do it every night or at least every other night. I will process your membership as soon as I get access to my other laptop, currently being used for homework.
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i was wondering about this too. i signed up the day after christmas for my full membership but i dont know what happened. i want to see the stuff you guys hide from the free people haha.

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i was wondering about this too. i signed up the day after christmas for my full membership but i dont know what happened. i want to see the stuff you guys hide from the free people haha.


Did you fill out a WAMAS application (separate action from signng up for a forum account) and submit your membership payment? If yes, please PM your full name to me so I can research this. If not, what are you waiting on? ;)

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Welcome aboard!


Now that you are a full member, you have access to start a dedicated tank thread. It not only gives us the change to tag along, but it gives you the chance to document everything and have some storage space as well.

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Welcome aboard!


The aquascaping looks good - lots of potential. I have free frags available of a nice sarcophyton. Also a Kenya tree or two, and some bits of Green Star Polyps. Bit of a hike - but on some nice spring day, you might want to drop by.



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Thanks! I would love to pick up that sarcophyton and Green Star Polyps! Maybe I can swing by this coming weekend or something. I wait to hear back. Thanks again!


Welcome aboard!


The aquascaping looks good - lots of potential. I have free frags available of a nice sarcophyton. Also a Kenya tree or two, and some bits of Green Star Polyps. Bit of a hike - but on some nice spring day, you might want to drop by.



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