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4 picassos, 2 BTAs, and 1 Tank


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I would love to keep them all in one tank, but from what I understand this isn't really possible. Are there any of you with experience keeping multiple pairs of Tank-Bred fish in the same tank?



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Better have a nice wall between. I have 2 breeding pairs, but they are separated by 4 ft of tank and large rockwork between so they can't see each other. I had to pull one pair out of the sump a few times before the other pair would let them stay in the tank.

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I tried the same thing a few years ago. Had 2 onyx mixed with 2 picassos in a 156g. I thought they were going to be fine but after they paired up, they would just harass each other. I ended up moving one pair to a nano tank. Since you have multiple BTAs, you may get different results but be prepared to separate them just in case.

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A friend of mine who is also a member here; however, he only reads and a quiet person. I hope he chimes in. Anyway, his tank is 150G AGA, 48" tall. He has 2 RBTAs and 1 GBTA, 3 clownfishes (started with 4 clownfishes, 1 juvenile didn't make it after 1 month) and they are all very young 6-8 months old. 2 are starring to pair up. So far so good, not sure the long term.


The RBTAs move around a little bit until they find the spot they like with a good flow, then he settle his SPS and LPS corals in.


The Anmones have not moved in 4 months but looking at your prize stock of nice and some are rare/collector's corals, I would think of the amount of anemones to put in your new 90 gal tank.



Edited by vaironman
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Your first priority is to have each pair accept and defend their own anemone. From my experience, when a pair of clowns has accepted an anemone as its home, they really don't travel too far away from it. That being said, if you can keep each anemone on different sides of the tank, I think you would be able to pull it off. I keep my BTAs on a piece of liverock separate from the rest of the rockwork. This keeps a particular anemone where I want it since it can't roam across the rockwork. Some people have reported their BTAs moving across their DSB, but I have yet to encounter this. If you keep that rock away from the glass and DSB, the anemone should roam only on the rock you placed it on. It would help it there was a crevice or whole for the BTA to stick its foot in.

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