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Newfish's 30 Gallon


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Sorry to hear about your losses!


Early pics where cool with the tank being new. Something just pretty cool about a new tank with everything so shiny and all! :)


You guys must have X-Ray vision to see anything wrong with the clam early one, Took me 3x before I even spotted the little guy, very nice pictures later on!


When your back up and running Josh, drop me a line and can set you up with a couple of leather corals or so?


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are you leaving your tank fishless for a while to let the ich die out?



Yep, 8 weeks is my time. I mean 7 weeks 1 day :biggrin:


I am also battleing Red Slime agae or Cynobacteria. but I think it is getting under control.

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Great job! In the mean time why don't you figure out what kind of fish you want to keep!



Well I definitly want to get another mated pair of clowns something kind of rarer like a black Oscellaris or Picasso Clowns.

I am also looking at the Orange spotted blenny. and I wouldnt mind getting a dwarf angel but I dont know much about them. I really like the Fire angel and the Lemon peel angel but dont know much about the space required and temperment. Any Suggestions from anyone.

I also want to get more LR just waiting for someone to give it away I guess :P, Just kidding just looking for the right deal to come along for LR.




Oh yeah, Forgot, I am probably going to get a small Lawnmower Blenny to get rid of some of that algae. :P

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Clownfish pairs are the staple of marine aquariums.



I just loved my last pair :( and seeing traveler7s presentation at the last meeting really got me inspired to get something a little different.

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Here are some Updated Pics. Some of them are a little closed because I just moved some stuff around. I just wanted to send a special Thanks to Ybenormal and txaggies07 for the new corals. Their tanks were great and really enjoyed them.


I know there are a lot but hopefully you guys dont mind.


New Toadstool not quite opened all the way but getting there quick :D




Monti Cap from Winter Meeting



Dont remember what these two are but when they are open all the way they look great.





Neon Green Mushroom. HUGE When fully open. Kinda closed up in these pics from moving stuff. will get more when it opens again.




New Hammer



New Leather Devils Hand I think it is? Not fully open will get a better shot tomorrow



New ZOOs



New mushroom covered rock




Coral Banded Shrimp pics





Cant ever get the name of this right Priscip i something :P


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I think it call "Poccilipora". Do you have problem with that shrimp? I used to have one and I think he killed my firefish. I consider them not reefsafe but maybe it just mine that is violence

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I think it call "Poccilipora". Do you have problem with that shrimp? I used to have one and I think he killed my firefish. I consider them not reefsafe but maybe it just mine that is violence



So far no. When I first put him in the tank he was kind of mad and wouldnt let anything near him. Now he does fine. He has finally started coming out into the open. He has been staying behind the rock with the cucumber.

Hasnt attacked anything else lately but then again I dont have any fish anymore at the moment.

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My gf calls it the amazing black turd:) because it moves all over the place and its amazingly fast! and it poops sand out like a potato gun covering up my frags:) Its about 8 inches long and BLACK/Brown:) hope all is well Troy

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What kind of mushrooms are those on that rock, what color do they look?


They are brown hairy mushrooms with orange centers and light blue/gray streaks radiating from the center. They are the ones that were donated to the frag workshop before last. Got em free, gave em' away for free...

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, So it has been a while since I have given an update. I have been letting my tank sit fishless for a while now to let the Ich clear out. It has been more than enough time. I have also been batteling algaes of diffent kinds.

Here are some update pictures with what corals have survived the algae attacks and with my new True Perc that I got from Sean at Aqua Co. It is the Cutest Little Juve. with the greatest coloring, I just love it.

My Toadstool that I got from YbeNormal is doing great and just doing great.

I also have some leathers and mushrooms that are looking great as well, some from Ybe. and others from txaggies07.

I got a couple of large peices of LR and it just really makes the tank look so much better and the clam really loves its new spot.


If anyone has anything that they would like to contribute :biggrin: Please let me know :biggrin:


Hope everyone enjoys!!!

Sorry about the algae I still havent totally won that battle



But anyways here are the Pics.




















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Despite the algae, everything really looks healthy!


What are you doing to fight the algae? What are your water readings? In particular, NitrAtes and Phosphates.

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Despite the algae, everything really looks healthy!


What are you doing to fight the algae? What are your water readings? In particular, NitrAtes and Phosphates.



Well I have started using RO/DI water instead of Tap. Which has really helped. I have used a chemical called chemi-clean and it worked for one round but it all just came back. Other than that I have just be trying to keep up with water changes and suck up as much of it as I can with a turkey baster


I will get you my water params in a bit.



Thanks for the Compliments.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is my newest addition from Sean at the AquaCo.


Its looking great. The mushrooms are like the size of large pancakes.







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