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A most amazing metamorphosis...


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I wish this camera wasn't broken; I can take pictures - I just can't get them OUT.


I had three female Anthias - one of them died (the other two picked on it). Of the remaining two, the larger and more dominant one just turned into a male. Last evening I could see a little bit of coloration change - but tonight!! He has spots on some of his fins - his color is different, and he even grew a 'spike' on his dorsal fin that he just loves to flash! I had NO idea it could happen that fast! I'm amazed!



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Pretty cool. Too bad you don't have any pics!


Okay - borrowed my daughter's camera :)


They both looked like this yesterday:



The new male - notice the spots on the fins in front, the coloring on the edges of the fins, the 'spike' on his dorsal, and the much darker line under his chin, etc:



And the happy couple:



Pretty cool, eh? Other than the salt streaks on the glass, that is :)



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I had no idea that the change was so fast. I'm glad that I'm a human, and that my girlfriend stays Nancy, and doesn't wake up one day Ned.

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thats funny i had 7 lyre tails one dead one missing and one which is nearly finished his metamorphosis. in a week he went from bright orange to burgandy and his eyes are like a blue very different from the females. now the 4 females and one male get along great. schooling nicely

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thats funny i had 7 lyre tails one dead one missing and one which is nearly finished his metamorphosis. in a week he went from bright orange to burgandy and his eyes are like a blue very different from the females. now the 4 females and one male get along great. schooling nicely


Well now I'm wondering if I couldn't add another female. He is much less agressive with his 'gal' than he was before/during the change. She is already making mating motions around him... curving her body, and kind of vibrating a little. Hussy!



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it seems like they choose so monitor it closely and see if they get along. a little harder to differentiate between 4 females and two so you should be fine

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