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Found 5 results

  1. Ive never dealt with lyretail anthias, so I'm not really sure what to expect. Would they eat fish small enough to swallow? I know some anthias will, but no clue about most. What about reef compatability? Would they eat small shrimp and such, cause it will have fish and shrimp in sizes down to tiny(maybe even sexy shrimp)? Would that work, or would I need to put it into FOWLR? At the moment I have a TINY, barely larger than an inch&1/2, convict blenny in my QT, which MIGHT be small enough to fit in the mouth of a lyretail I'd like to get. If I get the anthias it would have to go in with the blenny. Is that a risky situation? Thanks for any and all help, everyone:)
  2. On a whim last night I decided to message Marco from ERC about some Lyretail Anthias he had mentioned a couple of weeks ago, not only did I get an Immediate response within 20min but the fish were in my DT that very night, I purchased 1 Male and 2 Females at a very reasonable price. I couldnt be happier with the fish or the service from ERC, not only are the fish huge health and full of color, but the fish were virtually hand delivered to my front door within hours of the sale. Thanks again for the great friendly service fish are already swimming around and eating both frozen and flake foods. If I can get them to sit still long enough I will post a picture, I highly encourage anyone to consider ERC for livestock, you will get the same great quality and pricing that we are all accustomed to with coral sales.
  3. I have 4 juvenile bartlett's anthias that I've kept for a little over a month and half now. Naively, since I bought the fish from one of the more reputable stores in the SF bay area (where I am now) and my tank was pretty empty, I didn't quarantine them. For a week they looked fine, but soon after they showed some symptoms relating to flukes: 1) Frayed fins (tissue between spines is gone) 2) bullying cleaner shrimp 3) scratching against rocks 4) random spasms of flashing across the tank (jumping out!) I did a prazi pro treatment for 5 days and noticed improvements. The fins grew back and behavior was almost normal. Consequently a couple of the fish got secondary infections (red blotches), that I assume were internal bacterial infections that lead to hemorrhaging. After the first regiment, I fed 3-4 times a day, with selcon nutramar ova, pe mysis, and NLS Thera-A. The discoloration disappeared after about 3 days and all seemed well. A few days after that, I noticed again the fish were showing signs of flukes (this time frayed fins and hiding). I started a second regiment of prazi pro (around 4 days after the first). In between I had done 3 x 10% water changes, ran the skimmer again, and ran chemi-pure elite, but of course removed the carbon and took off the collection cup during treatments. During the second treatment, the fish started behaving normally again but showed lesions around the second day. I followed up with the same nutrition plan and the lesions went away and the fins grew back. I stopped the treatment last thursday, did a water change, ran my skimmer, and put the carbon back. Sunday I noticed again that the fish's fins were frayed and they were hiding again. So I started my third regiment that day. By Tuesday the fins were improved and one of the fish showed an infection. Why is it that the anthias are dependent on the prazi-pro? Their behavior and fins seem to be fine when I'm doing a treatment (but filtration is off outside of LR). Though I haven't been able to catch any of them and confirm that they have flukes by an FW dip, I'm almost certain that they do based on what I've researched so far and the fact that the prazi-pro seems to have some affect. They always seem to be getting secondary infections during or right after the treatment. I would like to have this cured before I bring in the rest of my corals (SPS) from MD. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make my treatment more effective? I have ordered Seachem's Focus and Metronizadole to at least help with the secondary infections. My specs 60 gallon w/ 20 gallon sump Bubble Magus curve 5 skimmer Ammonia = 0, Nitrite = 0, Nitrate = 20 (a bit high); API Saltwater test kits, Salifert and Hanna are in MD... Other Live stock: 1 Large Ocellaris clown (no signs of flukes) 1 female mandarin (also no signs of flukes) 1 blood red fire shrimp 1 halloween hermit 1 turbo snail 3 trochus snails 1 florida fighting conch Thanks in advance
  4. Special thanks to those who placed orders for the meeting. Here's yet another opportunity to get some of the best saltwater fish around. HANDS DOWN! Contact for pricing and other info. See ya tomorrow! BLUEFACE ANGEL, JUVENILE BARTLETTS ANTHIAS, MALE AND FEMALE RANDALL'S ANTHIAS MALE AND FEMALE POWDER BLUE TANGS 3.5" YELLOW TANGS 3" BLOND NASO TANGS 3.5" MULTICOLOR ANGELS MIDAS BLENNIES HELFRICHI FIREFISH MARINE BETTA 3" HENIOCUS BUTTERFLIES 2.5" COPPERBAND BUTTERFLIES 3-4" MCCOSKERS WRASSE 1-2"
  5. HERE'S WHAT'S NEW. EVERYTHING CLEARED FOR A NEW HOME! FEW VIDS ADDED. CHECK US OUT! Tomini tangs 2.5-3", Blonde naso tang 4.5", Yellow tangs 2.5-4", Onyx clownfish 2", Marine betta 3.5", Hand caught chromis 2-3", Scott's fairy wrasse(fiji), , Ignitus anthias, female, , Bartletts anthias,ale and female, Purple queen anthias, Red firefish, Helfrichi firefish(2 for $150!), Mystery wrasses, Laboutis wrasse, Midas blennies, Scooter blennies, bluespot jawfish, Purple long tentacle anemones, Pink tile starfish, Acan frags, Aussie hammers, Aussie chalices, Auusie acro, maricultured SPS, Various LPS, hammers. brains,duncans, torch. SPS, mushrooms, toadstools, xenia, and other soft coral. Im still working on taking coral pics. Theres TONS! Ask nicely, and I can try to create a vid of what you want before you buy! COMING NEXT WEEK... Flame angels, multicolored angels, Red Sea regal angels, borbonious anthias, designer clownfish, an assortment of tangs and wrasses including the achilles tang, and the lineatus wrasse! More fish. More corals. More cleaners. KAILENI LIVE ROCK! Plus whatever you want ordered! We can get it al, and our prices and quality are second to none! CHECK OUT OUR THREAD ABOUT THIS UPCOMING MEETING! Want $10? Join our mailing list and get $10 off of your first purchase of $25 or more! PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT US VIA WEBSITE, PM, OR PHONE CALL: 240-435-0177
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