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Everything posted by johnnybv

  1. FREE CONCERT Tonight! Local country and classic rock band Gunsmoke. 6-10 PM Kids bounce house food and beverages! Bring the family and a chair!
  2. I use the alitas all around my shop, but mosly on our koi systems. However I do have an al 40 on my main marine fish system with part of the air blowing through my ozone into my skimmer, works fine for me however I am not running the ozone in a traditional way... john
  3. look at the Alita line. We use that line on ponds, and they are commercial quality and have replaceable diaphragms AL-15 probably long the lines you might want, or an AL-6
  4. Sounds like you have it under control, but in case we can help I have Reeflo and mags in stock.
  5. all good ideas, but i havent found a solution yet...
  6. looks like an option, just have to find out if they can notify when power out or gfi trips/..
  7. Alan, thats too much trouble. I will have to have several wires running 100' out to several outlets outside, this is for the koi tanks....
  8. I am in need of a device that will send me an text or phone call when power goes out on specific circuits. I need 7 separate outlets monitored, and am not putting an apex unit on each one, not to mention these are outdoor outlets. Cost is a factor obviously due to the quantity needed. Just need something simple that would detect power loss have enough battery power to send a text via wifi, or even a old school hard line. Im sure members have found something. I do not want to build anything either. Thanks john
  9. I believe that as hobbyists we need to understand what is going on here. There is a need for some control over what is being taken, some limits, and clarification of certain terms like "sustainability". This action is clearly just shooting a shot gun and trying to shut down operations in general, instead of a solution to promote captive breeding. As far as how do I know that my fish are collected in a accepted manner? All I have to go on is the same thing everyone else has to go on, someones word. Unless you are on that dive boat and collecting yourself in an approved manner you have no idea. Facilities like ORA and Sustainable aquatics just to name a few, have spent millions in the breeding of many species, and some, like the mandarins were very difficult. Allowing this bill to be passed without actually having a solution like funding sustainability operations is careless and will not produce the desired result. It is just important for everyone to understand what is going on, so when a yellow tang costs $300 you know why. John
  10. This hit the airwaves today, it will impact our hobby and sustainability in a big way! Attention Everyone !!! Call-to-Action Link http://files.constantcontact.com/43e9683b501/4394ac06-527f-4222-963d-472eac0dca3f.pdf SB 1240 has now passed conference and is on the way to the AG’s office and finally the governor for signing. The bill states that there will be no more new permits issued. This will basically “sunset” our industry within 10 years, unless we can stop it !! Snorkel Bob and his activists friends have convinced or legislature that the tropical fish industry is depleting Hawaii’s resources- which couldn’t be further from the truth !! Science done within the island chain deems collection miniscule and definitely sustainable !!! We need everyone to step up and voice their opposition. They cannot win this battle !! Please contact the governor’s office and tell him to please VETO the bill . You can contact him via both email and calling !!! Phone: (808) 586-0034 (Best !!!) Email: governor@hawaii.gov PLEASE, We need everyone’s support !!!!
  11. We have a spectacular trio of Bellus angels in stock and eating like crazy! Also a beautiful Red Sea Purple Tang, and awesome clown trigger. Fresh batch of clown fish in 2 weeks ago from Sustainable aquatics from ocellaris to Helmeted Gladiator Picassos! Check out our full stock list updated today! http://www.blueribbonkoi.com/v/vspfiles/stocklists/brkstocklist.pdf Also don't forget about LRS frozen foods, about 5 packs of the eggs still left!
  12. We now have the LRS foods in stock, based on replies from the club Reef Frenzy Fish Frenzy Chunky Fertility Frenzy Fish Eggs! (while they last!) http://www.larrysreefservices.com/lrs-food-blends.html
  13. by the time you wait and grow them out the fad will haved passed and they will be just another shroom....
  14. heard of it but cant bring in 2 more lines.....LRS seems to have taken some foothold, and sought after by our members.
  15. Great, thanks guys, that makes me feel a little better about bringing it in! John
  16. cool, I appreciate the input! thanks
  17. Surprised at the lack of interest for this product....please chime in if you would like to see us carry this. Right now I see 2 people interested.
  18. We are considering carrying LRS foods, would like some feedback from members on which foods in the line you like. I assume Reef Frenzy and the Fish eggs, but would like to hear other input. The quicker I get a good amount of feedback the sooner I can get the order in, and have the sought after fish eggs on hand. If you want a package let me know so I can make sure I order enough, they are not cheap. thanks John
  19. All coral on sale, Buy 2 get one FREE!! (equal or lessor value is free) This is on every coral from $5 frags to big colonies! Don't miss out, thee weekend only 2/24/17 - 2/26/17 Hundreds of Corals in stock, check out our facebook page for some pictures! facebook/blueribbonkoi
  20. yes we have at least 3 bags of the live sand
  21. 150 RICORDIA ARRIVED THIS WEEK!! Starting at $10 / polyp, we have a variety of colors, orange, greens mixes etc. Here is a picture of a few.
  22. Tom, didn't Steve Outlaw do a write up about his exposure? I remember he was hospitalized for days, and was having a hard time walking even 6 months later. Now he did go to the extreme of boiling the polyps to get rid of them, and inhaled the toxins big time....
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