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Everything posted by GaryL

  1. dave maybe you can post some of the papers you did on the site, you could make it like a artlicle that those guys on reefcentral do. i think it would be interesting to see. or maybe a mini paper or article.
  2. when i worked at the zoo we had a freshwater prawn its claws back in between molts, it lost them during a molt, the blue crabs that came to us missing limbs, some would start nubs but then get the legs back with the next molt.
  3. most curstaeceans that i have seen will grow back claws or legs. some times it happens within a molt or two but i have seen them start a nub then POW! there it is, i guess it is there evolutionary shortcut. Tom, to see if the shrimp is pregnant you have to look at the swimmerettes under the tail and they will have egg masses on them.
  4. i always have good experiences at the reef tank. grimm has always been helpful as i have usually only seen him there till recently, i started to see more people there and they have always been very helpful. great LFS
  5. oh yeah please post what you do on your replacement bulbs, thanks
  6. wow my wife just agreed with you gvl]]
  7. if you replace them one at a time then the par shift is just gradual. and you could leave your light on normal cycle, if you did them all at once then the par shift would be too drastick then you would have to acclimate them, i wonder which way would interupt the balance more, being the photo period, this is just my thinking on it, i the hope the more experience reefers chime in to affirm chips and my statement, or tell us we are nuts, at least it would be no new news for me :P it may just be a matter of preference.
  8. its always the one you least expect howard :p
  9. could another approach be just to change one bulb at a time ie: 1 one week then another the next week. that way the animals are not shocked as fast with the new hues, and the intensity gradually increases. just a thought, Gary HTH
  10. thanks guys for a great building party. for everyone who got the stuff together thanks again, and thanks to jacob for hosting. nice tanks there!
  11. if jakob doesnt get his PM in time, i need directions to his house. i forgot to ask earlier :p doh!
  12. GaryL

    I'm done.

    there ya go chip a nice prop system waiting for you :D
  13. i have a butane soldering iron i can bring.... by the way i need directions. thanks Gary
  14. i agree with michael, i bought some live rock from reefotto when he broke his system down and you could tell what part of the rock that was in the sand, a super massive amount of tube worms. and probably more things than i can imagine. most of them survived the recycle process.
  15. my sand bed is about 4-5" in some places what i did was used limestone as base rock then put the sand in around that then put in the live rock. i sterilized the base rock 1st for a couple of days then rinsed well in DI H20. i got this idea from Aquariareview who has helped alot on the setup of my tank. HTH Gary
  16. hey guys found this and i ordered the controller separate. it came very fast. thought you might be interested. milwaukee pH contoller with regulater
  17. temp usually stays around 80, has a heater to keep from going cold. my lights only change it 2 degrees. no metals to speak of. i feed brine enriched with spirulina and sometimes flake. the onlything i added was i little strontium, calcium,iodine, and checked magnesium but did not add. i have clarkii, psuedochromis, yellow tang, scooter blenny, 2 blue chromis. the clarkii are quite young only about an 1.5" long. thabks for posting jacob. i have really large (good kind) mythrax and have herd of the larger ones attacking fish. so that was just the thought on that.
  18. ok so i had a alk problem and fixed that with some help. i checked my pH yesterday and was about 8.0. i checked it today because i realized i left my fuge light on all day and it was 8.6 (i learned that when i leave my fuge light on with my main lights my pH jumps up during the day). well i found my female clarkii clown breathing heavy and in a matter of an 1.5 hours she died. after she died i got a closer inspection of her. it looked like some scales were missing and her belly was swollen and you could see blood like bruising abouve her mouth and nostrals. no ick or other parasites to mention and gills looked healthy. my ammonia nitrate and nitrite are all zero. alk is good pH is 8.6 which is high i know. any thoughts on this? could one of my large emerald crabs of nabbed at her? also i am missing a scooter blenny, and another had jumped out of the tank. im guessing from the pH swing. im racking my brain here. any other tests i need to perform? thanks in advance and sorry for the long post. Gary
  19. sorry for the late post... 2 boards 4 floats. so= 2 different top offs right
  20. thanks guys, chip i got ya a rasberry for christmas :p jk trade ya a 40 breeder for that tunze skimmer lol, as i figure i am just a parts installer so i trust you guys with who and whatever you go with.
  21. is it too late to get in on this? if so id like 2. is everyone going to set up there switches the same way or do each of you guys have a different delivery method?
  22. mine has been making noise from about the 1st couple of weeks. it still mixes though. i think its just from the kalk building up around the magnet of the impeller.
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