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Everything posted by fellterrier

  1. Started the stand today Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Here’s my new 300 sitting on the dining room floor. Currently building the stand! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. It is interesting. The other one shows no signs of this and they were purchased at the same time. Nature is funny. Never seen or heard anything like this before Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. This is the aftermath. Fully inflated flesh. Its been a week and it’s doing fine. It removed itself from the entire original skeleton. I never seen anything like this before and I’m 20 years into this hobby. I have two in the tank. The other one is dong fine. I don’t want to disturb the flesh as it appears to be fine. I honestly believed it basically wanted to move for some reason and did it that way. Like I said earlier it was looking like it was splitting but I guess it just wanted to move. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I'll post pictures up later but this is really strange. My Trachyphyllia geoffroyi was look king of weird, like it was splitting into two, this was going on for a few weeks. Last week, the flesh started to pull away from the skeleton. Not in your typical fashion like what they do when they are dying and denigrate but actually pulling away its flesh in its entirety and remaining intact and inflated. Currently the flesh is still alive and doing well. I've never seen this before, It's strange. Anyone else has experience with this?
  6. Welcome. Where are you in Laurel? I am in laurel as well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Is there a tool that would allow you to easily tighten bulkheads easily? Curious.
  8. Does anyone know how these things are sized? I mean if they say its 3/4" does that mean that's the smallest size it will go down to or if that's the maximum size they will accommodate. Trying to purchase some so I am trying to determine what size to buy.
  9. Noted. The reason why I went so basic is because through the years of doing this, I realized I like fish more than coral. I found that by sticking with lps corals, mushrooms and clams and by using reef crystal salt, I can have a pretty nice tank with minimal dosing. I use a 2 stage GFO which will be outside the sump. Other than that, I found that my fish were health and the lps were fine. Thanks for all the awesome advice. I will start plumbing this weekend. excited!
  10. So here's my sketch. (2) 1" inch return lines working separate and independent. (1) one 3/4" supply line Tee'd from return pump with check valve. 5 or 6 quick connects strategically place. Please let me know if I'm missing something. Thanks for the help.
  11. Hello Do you still plumb aquariums? I tried to PM you but couldn't. Let me know. I'm contemplating using your services or getting further advice. If you are still doing so of course. PM me. Thanks
  12. I’m sleeping on it tonight. I’m either going to remove one overflow or do the dual Durso configuration. Leaning towards the dual durso. What do you guys think. The room is huge, two stories up so I think the noise factor won’t be a huge factor, thoughts?
  13. Thanks for the wonderful insight. If you recall, I had a 265 gallon reef tank for many years and used the Herbie method and I loved it because it was so quiet. That tank had a single overflow so it was fairly simple to set up. My new tank, the 180 with the dual overflow's threw me off. The old tank had two holes for return lines. The new tank has two holes in each overflow. I read somewhere that with the herbie method, you should never tie the drains together, that they should be separate and independent and with dual overflows the herbie method can be very hard to adjust. If that is the case, I would have four returns coming back to sump. For me, that seems a bit much. So my question is, for the dual herbie can I tee together the two main drains and the two emergencies and not worry about noise and /or adjustment nightmares?
  14. This is Awesome. Thanks. I believe this is what I am going to do. Is this set up quiet?
  15. It wasn’t dual overflow. That’s my dilemma. The single box was simple. Used herbie method and that was it. Dual overflow throwing me off a bit....
  16. Just read it. Awesome. So I see that using a Tee is to be avoided so each return will be go independent to the sump. Two overflows can be tedious when it comes to adjustments so I'm thinking about either abandoning one side or removing it all together.
  17. All thanks for the advice, The tank isn't set up yet as I am trying to come up with the best scenario without drilling any extra holes. Question, with the Herbie method do you have to plumb each drain separately to the sump or do you run both them tee them together into one drain.
  18. Looking for assistance/guidance on plumbing my dual overflow 180 reef tank. I'm in North laurel MD. Howard County. anyone close? Also any good website, vidoes or books that show the latest and greatest techniques please let me know.
  19. Well its been 3 months since I have been in the new house and I have decided to go with a 180 mixed reef on the first floor. During construction, I spoke with a structural engineer and the builder and got the floor beefed up in the corner where the tank will sit. After selling my 265, my gem tang, black tang, crosshatch triggers, golden back trigger etc..It's time to start anew. The only fish I kept because I had it and the anemone for over 15 years. Now in a 20 gallon temporary set up. The used stand will get a custom laminate and paint job. New doors and laminate. Its gonna look nice.. Structural upgrades to the floor as per the structural engineer.
  20. I just built a new house. After conferring with a structural engineer, I got the builder to double up the joist where the tank will sit near a corner wall on the first floor.
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